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10,032 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.


Use fullpage.js JavaScript plugin to create beautiful fullscreen scrolling websites.


X-Forwarded-For header would be used to get the client IP address. This header can also be enforced by updating settings.php which works if you have access to it.

CSS color variables

As a frontend guy I love CSS variables. I think they are "the future" because ...

Site Version Host

Allow to ave an interface with multiple sites information provided by the module Site Version info

Site Version info

This module hold and show manual the site version information on site or via JSON API.

Rest Export

Rest Export


The Rest Export module provides features to export restful API list via:

Migrate: ECK2Blocks

This provides an upgrade path from ECK entities on Drupal 7 to custom block types on Drupal 8 and 9.

Sitemap Status

Logs the http status for each sitemap location in the status report and adds an entry to the Toolbar. Optionally checks for errors or specific elements in the DOM.

Advanced Workflow Settings

  • Allows user to lock content for selected workflow states.
  • Allows user to select workflow states for which 'Publish On' field for Scheduler will be enabled.

dotMailer API

Dot Digital SEO

What is dotMailer API?

dotMailer API is a very simple, lightweight module that connects a Drupal website with
the dotdigital API

Important Note

This module requires the following library:
Dotmailer-php (

Needs PHP =^7.2 in order to work

This module contains a sub-module dotmailer_newsletter (This generates a custom 'dotMailer Newsletter Signup' block).

One Page Scroll

Default module settings

Create an one page scroller effect based on One Page Scroll plugin.

CKEditor Allowed Content Rules

Configuration Page

CKEditor Allowed Content Rules allows you to override Drupal default "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" editor rules with more advance

Drupal Test Assertions

This project provides some useful test assertions related to Drupal core modules.

Config Entity Cloner


* Introduction
* Requirements
* Installation
* How it works
* Maintainers

Module Denylist

This module is intended for site administrators. The module allows site administrators to block certain module from being installed, based on a denylist set on settings.php file.



Provides integration with the Compressor.js JavaScript library

NlpTools intelligent

This module makes use of the PHP-Science-TextRank library, which makes use of the TextRank (automatic summarization
