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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.


LiveChat is a powerful, fast and intuitive app, enabling your sales representatives to contact customers on the website. Help online visitors find what they need and convert them into customers.

LiveChat is available on PC and Mac. Operators can chat with vistiors on the go with LiveChat for iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7, and Android. There’s even a web based interface, that can work in any browser.

Key LiveChat advantages

  • Increase of sales conversion rate up to 25%
  • Instant customer contact with sales people
  • Increase of customer satisfaction and loyality
  • Stunning looks and social media fanbase generation

Chat Window

Easy to customize and rebrandable chat window. Out-of-the-box style templates.

Traffic monitoring

Track visitors in real time. Automatically invite them to chat if they abandon an order or shopping cart, and save the sale.

Analytics & Reporting

Generate reports for each agent with the number of chats, invitations or time spent with the customer.

Multiple languages

LiveChat works in over 20 languages. It’s even possible to create own, English based translations

Compatible with all browsers

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome

Mobile Tools for D7

Since current mobile_tools is under heavy refactory, I'm uploading this version that I fixed for D7 only.

Enjoy! :) Feedback is always welcome.

Aegir-up (Vagrant-based Aegir virtual machine)

This module has been superseded by Valkyrie. Please use that instead.

Aegir-up provides a collaborative, distributed development environment, that encourages the use of Drupal best-practices. It deploys the Aegir Hosting System in a local virtual environment for development and testing. It provides all the ease-of-use of Aegir, wrapped in the convenience of Vagrant-based virtual machines. Creating sites and platforms is a matter of a click or two, while rebuilding the entire environment is a matter of minutes.

Notifications Edit

This module allows users to manage notification emails with the Mail_Edit module. The notifications module uses message template classes that must be edited in code.

Taxonomy Tips

A filter for adding help tips to words existing in a taxonomy vocabulary with the term description, using the HTML title attribute or the

Drush Release


In some servers I have not access to source control because of policies or whatever.

Dynamic Views Columns

This module provides an additional table-like style to views that allows administrators to indicate that only some fields (columns) should be rendered by default but the user should have the abilit

Radios list

Implementation of hook_element_hooks to provide options to define array(2D) of radios as a single form element.

Acobot Lead Generation AI Chatbot

Example chat 1

Turn Your Drupal into a Lead Machine!

👉 With Acobot, you can convert 50% more leads and sales from your existing traffic.

Solr Best Bets


Apache Solr provides a feature that goes by the name of "best bets", "sponsored searches", or "editorial boosting" depending on the technology you are used to using. Simply put, administrators can configure which documents are explicitly promoted to the top of the search results or excluded from the result set based on the keywords entered by the user. Common use cases are featured product pages in e-commerce applications or a sponsored article that should always be returned first for certain queries.

This module provides an interface for users to configure which content is a "best bet" for various search terms. On the technical side of things, Solr Best Bets generates a valid elevate.xml configuration file that can be deployed to a Solr server. This module does not automatically deploy the configuration file to Apache Solr, as there is currently no mecanism native to Solr that supports this. Users must create their own method for deploying the file constructed by this module.

Feeds File Grab

The module provides a Feeds field mapper (file, image) to grab files from a specified source and copy/download them to the field's directory.

Superior Colors

This module allows the user to set site colors using a color picker interface, which affects the CSS files used by the site.


Define Custom Variables to call directly in input formats as a Tokens

Clear Caches

Drupal module allowing privilieged users to clear Drupal caches easily in admin/settings menu.


Provides a common set of algorithms for packaging orders into boxes. A plugin architecture allows other modules to define their own packaging algorithms.

Saba Payamak SMS Gateway


Saba Payamak SMS Gateway enables the smsframework to use Saba Payamak service as a gateway.


This module is in an early development stage, It is not intended to be used in production.


A valid line number, username and password provided by Saba Payamak.


SOAP Client


  1. Install & enable SOAP Client.
    • Go to admin/settings/soapclient.
    • Under "Active SOAP Library" check the "nuSOAP" option.
    • Leave other options as default.
  2. Install and enable Saba Payamak SMS gateway.
    • Go to admin/smsframework/gateways/sabapayamak.
    • Fill the required fields by the credentials provided by Saba Payamak.
    • Leave other fields as their defaults and save the configuration.
  3. If you wish to also be able to receive SMS messages:
    • Go to admin/smsframework/gateways/sabapayamak.
    • Copy the URL under the Incoming SMS Settings section labeled Traffic Relay Gateway.

Ubercart Conditional Attributes

What is Ubercart Conditional Attributes?

This module can be used to define dependency relationships between options and attributes for each product class. Once established, these dependencies will be applied to all products of that class. Dependent attributes will only be shown (for "enable"-type dependencies) or hidden (for "disable" type dependencies) once the option on the parent attribute is selected.

For example, say you run a pizza online store and you offer a free drink when the user orders a large pizza. Your pizza product class could have a 'Size' attribute with options Small/Medium/Large and a 'Drink' attribute with options for various popular soda brands. Conditional Attributes could be used to define 'Size' as a parent attribute with option 'Large' enabling 'Drink'. The drink selection would then remain hidden until the time when the user selects 'Large' as their choice for 'Size'.


  • Dependency relationships are applied to all products within a given product class at once
  • Functions with several product classes
  • Has support for both 'enable' ("show only when") and 'disable' ("hide only when") relationship types
  • Hidden attributes are removed from the cart product entirely
    • Hidden attributes that are marked as required will not cause problems
    • Hidden attributes will not cause any product price alterations
  • Nested dependent attributes are supported (e.g. an option in A enables B and an option in B enables C)
  • Compatible with the uc_node_checkout and uc_aac modules (after patches - see #1425238: Compatibility with uc_aac module)


This module allows one to customize the output of theme functions and templates using the user interface.
