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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

CiviCRM Drupal bridge refactor

After discussing with @dlobo in #civicrm Drupal channel, I start completely rewrite the civicrm Drupal bridge (the Drupal modules in civicrm)

The goals are:

  1. Write more "drupalist" code.
  2. Using the issue queue for faster bugfixing.
  3. Split functionality when we are in civicrm section (*) or in normal drupal pages.
  4. The civicrm is really great, but I understand Drupal developers, why they doesn't like it. I want to create drupallike civicrm by using civi_api.
  5. Remove dependency of sites/all/modules directory, first try to put into sites/all/libraries, then using libraries api.
  6. Write drupal tests


  1. Download the civicrm from CiviCRM home page to sites/all/modules directory.
  2. Delete the drupal directory from sites/all/modules/civicrm
  3. Download this module as a usual drupal module, and enable it.
  4. Install CiviCRM.


All of this project is completely a plan. Let see, how is this work. There should be some licencing problem, but as I plan, the original code will be full rewritten.

whami Source Adapter

Use case
In the context of nodes with geo-information – for example using maps - there is pretty often the requirement to display further geo-related information in the same area as the geo-information of the node itself. ´whami source-adapter´delivers a generic method fulfilling this requirement together with two source adapters, one for Panoramio, one for Wikipedia. This module was part of the development of and can easily be extented with further source adapters.

First you must have nodes with geo-information in your Drupal Database. Specifically nodes of a configurable content type that have the geodata in a cck field of type geo.

The modules provide blocks named "whami Source Adapter: [Source Name]" i.e. "whami Source Adapter: Panoramio" or "whami Source Adapter: Wikipedia". Set your content type and cck geo field name in the block configuration and put the block in a region on the page.

‘whami source-adapter’ delivers two configurable display blocks for Wikipedia/Panoramio-content which is locally close to the geo-information of the node.
There are general dependencies (CCK- and Geo-module) as well as specific dependencies for each source adapter.

Panoramio source adapter

WYSIWYG XHTML case corrector

Drupal 6 outputs XHTML 1.0 strict by default. As of W3C standards, all elements ("tags") as well as their attributes have to be defined lowercase, e.g.

Rotating Slogan

Rotating slogan settings page

This module allows you to configure a list of texts to display as the site name or the site slogan.

Remote Content Services

This module aims to provide endpoints via the Services module that describe your content types and related fields. The purpose would be so that any remote application (e.g.

Commerce POS Reports

This provides some reporting functionality intended to be used with Commerce POS.

Commerce POS Cash Count

This modules handles end-of-day (or end-of-shift) counts for Commerce POS.

Domain Content Access

Bridge module linking Domain Access and Content Access modules.


Persistent Identifiers

Persistent Identifiers provides methods for creating storing and retrieving persistent identifiers of different types, including URIs, UUIDs and machine names.

Persistent block

With Persistent block module you can choose a block to be always visible in the screen, floating somewhere in the browser screen.

Views Quicksearch

Views Quicksearch is a JavaScript plugin designed to turn your static Views results into dynamic, on-page search.


Create new events and allows users to register for these events free and paid and get paid by PayPal payment gateway.

Module features:

S3 stream wrapper

Screenshot of the S3 wrappers admin overview page.

AWS S3 Stream-Wrapper

Provides a Drupal stream-wrapper service backed by S3.

RightMove integration

This module provides import/export option to with Fields API and Views 3.

Janus Feeds File Fetcher

This is a small module I've created in order to fix the "public://feeds" issue at Feeds.

Ubercart Mailchimp Subscribe


Ubercart Mailchimp Subscribe is a module which adds a newsletter subscription pane to Ubercart.

SSH Login

Authentificates users using SSH, creating users if they do not already exist.

Only works with password-mode authentification.
Needs libssh2-php or phpseclib

Menu Content Type Assign

Allows for the user to 'turn on' a menu for given content types via the menu edit form.
