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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Organic groups People Form actions

module is for use cases when certain role have access to administrating users and should see the options in "UPDATE OPTIONS" to add or remove selected users to or from selected group.

Comment abuse

This module provides control and sending complaints to the comments. It will help you in fighting with spam in comments.


  • complaints will be sent by AJAX;
  • two modes of send complaints - simple link and popup with complaint form;
  • filter by content types;
  • notification by email about complaints;
  • supports views and rules;

Little additional info:

Author of comment can not complain about your own comment;
Each user can complain about a comment only once:

  • for authorized users, verifies the user ID;
  • for anonymous users, checked by IP-address.


About how to work with the hooks of the module is written in the readme.txt file

For developers:
Link to complaints about the comment will be added automatically, but you can render link for complaint programmatically:

print comment_abuse_get_link($link_text, $comment_id);

How to customize popup

Provision Roles

This module adds roles to selected newly created user accounts. These roles are provisioned ahead of time and associated with the name of an account.

iOS startup image

Extends theme settings to show a startup image on iOS devices like iPhones etc.

cSupport Live Chat Plugin

Some of the cSupport Live Chat features

  • Customizable in look n' feel directly from your Drupal installation
  • Serve live chats from any platform, including smart phones

Webform Respond

Allows a user to respond to a webform submission through a simple interface, it automatically scans for email fields and has a facility to use tokens in outgoing messages

Backbone API

This module will add Backbone.js to your application / website

In their own words:

Simple JSON-RPC server

This module is a simple implementation of the JSON-RPC standard.
It allowes developers to get a quick entrance to there website to the use of JSON.

Synchronising drupal users information with civicrm

The idea of this module is to map drupal user's fields to his related civicrm contact's fields so every time a change is made in the drupal side, the change is automatically reflected on the civicr


Drupal's regular menu system administration doesn't scale very well. This is due to the fact that for all node edit pages, node type edit pages and vocabulary edit pages (when Taxonomy Menu is active), Drupal loads all menu items from all menus in the system. For large amount of menu items, this slows down the system to an unusably slow speed, or even causes timeouts.

This is a known problem in Drupal core. This comment is from the menu module:

  // The menu_links table can be practically any size and we need a way to
  // allow contrib modules to provide more scalable pattern choosers.
  // hook_form_alter is too late in itself because all the possible parents are
  // retrieved here, unless menu_override_parent_selector is set to TRUE.
  if (variable_get('menu_override_parent_selector', FALSE)) {
    return array();

Menuperformance takes advantage of this, and sets the variable when installed. It then proceeds to add its own AJAX based parent menu item selector widgets for the node edit, node type edit and vocabulary edit pages.





This sandbox project has now been merged with the original Aloha project.

This module integrates the excellent HTML5 wysiwyg editor Aloha Editor ( to Drupal. Both the module and the original Aloha Editor library are under active development but still in the early stages.

This module is based on the works of the original Aloha module ( but because it seems to be abandoned me and muhleder decided to create sandbox project meanwhile trying to get maintainer rights to the original project.

Notice when using Aloha Editor

Because Aloha Editor is also under active development some of the plugins might not work. So if you face a problem where the editor toolbar is not showing up you just have to try to found out which of the plugins is causing the problem.

The aloha library includes a copy of ExtJS library. This version of the ExtJS library overrides the Array prototype which may cause obscure bugs with existing javascript in Drupal or Drupal modules. If you do experience unexplainable javascript errors after enabling the module, try disabling the module to see if the error is resolved and report the issue here if so.

Content Counter

A simple module to display counts of various content types in a block.
Fully themable, with configurable display names and optional links in count block.

Mass spam

Module stop mass span in comments by authenticated users.


PHPUnit Runner to run unit test in Drupal


Provides Unit test to Drupal Modules unsing PHPUnit. This modules provides a custom
runner to run PHPUnit test in Drupal. Also include some features to mock functions using the test_helper extension created
by Sebastian Bergman.

Actually is tested in Drupal 6 only, we will include support for Drupal 7 also in the future.


Previous to the module instalation you need to have installed PHPUnit, Xdebug and Test_Helpers

In order to install PHPUnit do the following steps

  pear channel-discover
  pear channel-discover
  pear channel-discover
  pear upgrade PEAR
  pear install phpunit/PHPUnit

Install Xdebug in Debian (or debians likes).

apt-get install php5-xdebug

Install Test Helpers

pecl install phpunit/test_helpers

At the end include the extension in your php.ini


Test if the extension was loaded

$php --info|grep "test_helpers support"
  test_helpers support => enabled

Once you have all that installed you can proceed with the instalation of this module as
any drupal module.

Copy the module in some reacheable location by your drupal site.

drush en phpunit2 -y

Raw Pages (deprecated)

Avoid site file clutter by creating custom pages with a blank slate, useful for e.g. custom iframes, site validation XML files, etc. That said, this should be used as a last resort, it is strongly recommended to use customized solutions, e.g. Site Verify, instead.


Lightbox_wysiwyg is a module that makes sure that inserting an image with lightbox popup into a wysiwyg editor is as easy as posible.

Basic Page

A simple content managing module for creating/editing and deleting custom pages with editable title, body, path and publishing option.

Views Content Cache Taxonomy Term

This adds a new plugin for Views Content Cache to support taxonomy terms by ID via Views arguments.


This module allows sites to have multiple user registration pages.
