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51,602 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Webform AJAX rewrite

Complete rewrite of Webform AJAX module, for Drupal 7.
AJAXifies previous/next page and submit buttons.

Provision tasks extra

This code extends Aegir back-end with some additional commands.

Supported commands are:

- drush cache-clear -d
- drush registry-rebuild -d
- drush core-cron -d

SEO Stats

Search-related statistics including Google PageRank for your site or other sites, in your Drupal site.


This module will define the "fieldgrid" form element.

Send to Friend

A simple pop up window to send a link to the node to an email address with a personal message.

This is not being maintained.


Words is a simple API module for dealing with word lists, useful for building word games.

Node body protection

Loads the node body (and teaser!) via AJAX so that it isn't visible when the user does "view source." There is also an option you can turn on that will also attempting to disable copy & paste v


Nodelocks prevents any user from deleting a node if that node has been added to a list of "locked" nodes.

Nodequeue Taxonomy

By default, Nodequeue ( allows you to restrict a queue to show nodes of a particular content typ

Flag files

This module only provides support for Flag API VERSION 2.0!

Active menu link

This module helps to keep the main menu link active when any of the secondary links listed within that main menu is clicked.

Gif Player Field


Gif Player Field creates a simple file field types that allows you to upload the GIF files and configure the output for this using the Field Formatters.

Configuration API

Module enables simple way to store configuration for different modules in code, avoiding further usage of Features+Strongarm.

Drupal Puppet Up

Drupal-Puppet-Up is a Drush extension that facilitates building virtual machines for local development of Drupal sites. Drupal-up implements a Drush Vagrant blueprint.

Views Area Entity

The module provides a new "Fieldable area" handler that can be assigned to any views header, footer or empty area.


Randomly swaps values of the variable table around.

Usage Instructions:

Date Range


As you can see, my English is really ugly and awkward, so don't hesitate to point out all my obvious mistakes or even send me patches for module messages and documentation. Thank you in advance!


The Date Range module implements a custom field which allows you to enter dates and periods as a text string with an arbitrary precision, e.g.:

1991 - a period, consisted of all days of year 1991;
2012.02 - all days of February 2012;
1917.10.25 - October 25, 1917 exactly;
1941-1945 - a period from the beginning of 1941 till the end of 1945;
1234.05.06-7890 - a period from May 06, 1234 till the end of year 7890.

A general pattern for field input is: YYYY[.MM[.DD]][-YYYY[.MM[.DD]]].

The module also implements a custom filter for Views which allows you to select nodes which are before, after, inclide, exclude or exactly equal to the specified period.


Mandatory: CCK for 6.x branch.

Optional: Views 2.x or 3.x for 6.x and 7.x branches.


You can select would this field will represent a single date in form of YYYY[.MM[.DD]] or a period as described above.


Role Expire Notification

NOTE: I've abandoned this and it does not do anything... It's just a bunch of code that I spent a day on that somebody might find useful..

I started this because I needed to extend the role_expire module's functionality to send notifications when a role was about to expire. I ran into troubles using ubercart's role expiration system, because I needed more complexity to the rules involved with role assignment.

I took a lot of ideas and code from this thread:

I ended up abandoning this in favor of a setup in ubercart's module, but this could be useful for anyone looking to pick up where I left off.

What this does do now:

  • adds 2 tables to your db, 1 for keeping track of who's been notified about what role and another for storing settings
  • provides a settings page where an admin with the right permission can configure notification settings
  • settings configurable are: email body, email subject, to/from and a message on user page
  • hooks into cron and checks the database of users against settings and calls a function that should send mail (never finished that)
  • shows token help on email body
  • integrates with role_expire

What is missing:

Mixpanel Sandbox

My Sandbox repo for mixpanel module improvements I'm working on ;)

Commerce Taxonomy Reference

A simple module that add functionality to Views.

If you want to add the Contextual Filter 'has taxonomy term ID (with depth) to a Commerce Product View this module will accomplish that.

Github Flavored Markdown

Works in conjunction with the Markdown module to provide additional functionality to the Markdown syntax as per


Hard Wrap Single Newlines
Treat single newlines in paragraph-like content as line breaks. This is more intuitive for most users than the way in which Markdown normally handles single newlines.

Escape Underscores in Words
It is not reasonable to italicize just part of a word, therefore words containing multiple underscores have their inner underscores escaped. This foo_bar_baz does not turn into foobarbaz.

Fenced Code Blocks
Markdown supports delineating code blocks by beginning each line with four spaces or a tab character. This can be cumbersome when entering longer snippets, so GFM implements fenced code blocks -- text encapsulated by '```' (three backticks) are treated as if each line began with four spaces or a tab character.

Auto Linking of Raw URLs
Github Flavored Markdown attempts to find raw URLs within the text and format them as Markdown style links so they are later transformed into HTML anchor tags -- clickable links -- by the Markdown processor.

