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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Tuktuk Block Class

Allows users to add classes to any block through the block's configuration interface.

Commerce User Merge [obsolete]

Version 7.x-2.x of User Merge renders this module obsolete, as its functionality is provided by the main module. Upgrading to User Merge 2 is recommended.


Drupal + Selenium = Drulenium
The sub module drulenium_visual_regression helps in Automating Visual/CSS regression testing.

  • The system takes Image screenshots of web pages, before you make changes like site upgrades to your site.
  • The system takes another set of Image screenshots of web pages, after you make changes
  • The system calculates the difference of image pixels that changed and generates an animated GIF to look at

Article Jump

Article Jump Configuration Page

Article Jump

About this module

Article Jump adds jQuery functionality to a page to allow the user to scroll from one article to the next via a hotkey. For instance you can scroll down through a stream of node teasers by pressing "j" several times. Then scroll back to the previous article by pressing "k".

The jQuery selector is configurable, so if you have a stream of feed items, you can add a selector of ".content .feed-items" on the module configuration page and users will be able to navigate that stream by pressing "j" and "k" as well.

The hotkeys are also configurable. So, if you prefer "n" and "p", than you can change them on the configuration page.


This module requires the libraries module and mousetrap.js, a javascript library.


1. Create a libraries directory at: sites/all/libraries/
2. Download and enable
3. Download mousetrap.min.js into sites/all/library/moustrap/
4. Download and enable Article Jump.


On the module's configuration page you can configure the jQuery selectors that will be used as the article jumping anchors and also the speed of the scroll. You can also configure the hotkeys.


Remove a themes persistent variables after its been disabled.

Mollom Blacklist

Mollom does a terrific job in catching and preventing spam, although recently some of my sites have still been getting spammed as M

CoderDojo Wysiwyg Profile

Features package storing the Wysiwyg editor configuration profiles

CoderDojo Fields Node Dojo

Features package of fields required for CoderDojo Dojo content type

CoderDojo Fields Node Media Gallery

Features package of fields required for CoderDojo Media Gallery content type


PROJECT: Enhancing Drupal's Scheduler Contributed Module.

You may already know about the contributed Drupal 6.x and 7.x module named Scheduler:

The Scheduler contributed Drupal module is quite useful and often implemented:

In a standard web publishing workflow, an audit trail regarding when nodes have been published is a staple.

LEGACY: Publish date was simply not recorded at all in Drupal core.

Created date is helpful, but approvals and publishing controls / audits are lacking.

CURRENTLY: The Scheduler module installs 'scheduler' table with three fields (nid, publish_on, unpublish_on) for scheduling auto publishing on given future date.

By enabling these two date fields (publish_on, unpublish_on) on the create/edit form for any given content type, scheduler provides us a way to 'schedule' publishing in the future for one single time window.

A cron job runs nightly that checks current date against publish_on and unpublish_on dates and automatically selects/deselects the publish checkbox when appropriate.

Maintainers for Scheduler Module

=> Eric Schaefer - 130 commits - last: 34 weeks ago, first: 4 years ago

=> skiminki - 10 commits - last: 4 years ago, first: 4 years ago
=> AjK - 43 commits - last: 4 years ago, first: 5 years ago


this small module sends sms messages in ubercart system


A more generic implementation of Stanford University Webauth module for Drupal. Webauth is an authentication system used for Single Sign On and used in a number of educational establishments.

Email Login

This module allows users to login with either their username or the email address associated with their account.


An attempt to add helper functions, depedencies, and modularity to frontend Drupal code.

Adds the following function (backend):

  1. drupal_add_js_dependency(stack, name) - ensures a dependency is in effect before pages load to sidestep race conditions.

Adds the following function sets (frontend):

Dependency functions:

  1. Drupal.modules.init_dependencies() - initialises all dependencies that were present in Drupal.settings on load.
  2. Drupal.modules.init_dependency(stack, fallback = true) - create a dependency stack, optionally making it resolve after page load. May switch to a timeout in future.
  3. Drupal.modules.add_dependency(stack, name) - adds a dependency to a dependency stack, which must be marked as resolved before the stack marks as resolved
  4. Drupal.modules.resolve_dependencyname - resolves a named dependency on all stacks.
  5. Drupal.modules.dependency_status(stack) - checks the status of a dependency stack
  6. Drupal.modules.get_dependants(name) - lists stacks that depend on the named module.

Hook handling functions

Configuration builder

The Configuration builder module provides a Form Builder based, drag and drop interface for building custom, exportable, configuration pages.

This can be used to create a unified settings form bringing important settings (Site name, Google analytics account, etc) into one easy to manage page, or for creating custom settings forms as needed.



  • Drag and Drop form builder interface.
  • Configuration variables provided as tokens.
  • Provides a block per configuration page.
  • Set page access by:
    • User permission.
    • User role(s).
  • Exportable as:
    • Drupal API hooks via:
      • Configuration builder export interface.
    • CTools exportable via:
      • Configuration builder export interface.
      • CTools Bulk Export module.
      • Features module.
  • Integrates with:
    • Drupal Contextual links module:
      • Adds a hover link for quick editing configuration pages.
      • Adds contextual link tokens for quick editing variables.
    • Variable module:
      • Adds Variable element for Form Builder for any declared variables.
      • Declares all created variables with hook_variable_info().

Commerce Shipping EU

This module adds a new condition to rules that allows you to check if an address is in the EU.

It's a very simple module, but a very common use case.

Awkward Showcase

Provides Views Display Style and Field Display Formatter for image fields using the Awkward Showcase jQuery image gallery plugin.

Comment Antispam

Simple antispam solution.
Module check comment's text and if strings '

UC Gift Certificate (D7)

Beginning work on updating the uc_gift_certificate module to D7.
