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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Drush Search & Replace

This drush plugin performs a text search & replace on all content and content revisions in all text fields and all custom blocks on a Drupal site.


Note: As of 2012/03/12, this module is supported by new maintainer. As the previous module maintainer feel this message has been posted in error, please reply to #1466128: Offering to maintain bitcache module.

Bitcache is a distributed content-addressable storage (CAS) system. It provides repository storage for bitstreams (colloquially known as blobs) of any length, each uniquely identified and addressed by a digital fingerprint derived through a secure cryptographic hash algorithm.

This is a module that provides a Bitcache-compatible data storage repository for Drupal and implements the Bitcache REST API for interoperability with the standalone Bitcache command-line and synchronization tools. The Drupal module includes storage adapters for the file system and for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and GDBM databases, with Amazon S3 support in the works.

Whole Backup

Module will help make the full site backup in one click.

Will do backup for MySQL database (except data from "cache" tables) and for all files that in the Drupal root folder.

Block Lazyloader

This is a small helper module which will automatically lazyload all blocks for sites with multiple blocks, which will make the site load faster.

All blocks will only load when it's visible to the browser window.
Similar to Lazyloader but this time it's the block content.

Available Settings:
1) Enable/Disable
2) Block Content Class - your theme's block content class, ex. content, block-content, etc. (the content of this container will be lazyloaded)
3) Distance - block's distance from the viewable browser window before the actual block content loads
4) Loader Icon - animating icon (shamelessly borrowed from ajaxblocks module)
5) Excluded Blocks - blocks which will not use block lazyloader
6) Excluded Pages - page paths to be excluded from block lazyload

See Block Lazyloader Demo

Cached/No Cache

  • Cached: Loads cached block
  • No cache: Loads block content from database

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Module that checks whether Melbourne has had its cool change yet.


This module adds SSH client functionality to Drupal and Drupal Rules. Once configured, you may execute arbitrary calls to pre-defined remote hosts directly from within Drupal, either by your own supplementary module or e. g. by defining rules.


The jrbchartsview module provides both charting and inline editing capabilities. Specifically it enhances DRUPAL with the following functions

  • incorporation of canvas jrbCharts library from
  • inline editing. An administrator can bulk edit values as displayed in an HTML table or canvas chart directly without having to open up a form for each record.

Bootstrap Extras

A collection of theme functions and other helpful things for building sub themes of the Bootstrap theme.

First Comment

Keeps track of first comment attached to content. Also adds support for referencing to the first comment in views.


Building a replacement for Listhandler for D7 with the intent to handle significantly more features.

Applications and Postings

Applications and Postings allows users to submit postings to the site; these could be job postings, requests for proposals, calls for submissions, and so forth. Each posting has its own fieldable application form (much in the same way each content type has its own set of fields), allowing administrators to create separate application forms for each posting. Other users may then submit applications against these postings, up until a predetermined (and automatically enforced) deadline. These applications may be reviewed later on, potentially integrating with other modules for more advanced workflows.


  • Create postings for users to apply to, visible at /postings
  • Submit and edit applications against postings until automatically enforced deadlines
  • Postings act as fieldable "application types," allowing custom application forms for each separate posting
  • Limit how many applications may be submitted by each user to any given posting
  • "My Applications" tab added to each user's profile page
  • Import, export and clone existing postings (requires CTools)
  • Postings and Applications are first-class entities with their own CRUD API, along with Views and EntityFieldQuery support


CTools cookie context

Ctools cockie context administrativ interface

Grabs a specified cookie value and use it as a CTools context

Pull up your pants

Pullup module configuration screenshot

Ever wished you could apply some CSS style on nodes based on its terms? Now you can with the pullup module.

Password Change Log

Write a watchdog log entry when a user's password is edited.

Mobile Switch (Varnish version)

The Mobile Switch (Varnish) module provides a simple automatic theme switch functionality for mobile devices, utilising Varnish for detecting the user-agent and providing proper cacheable pages using the same URLs per mobile device group.

Pedigree Graph

An extensive pedigree graph for your Drupal website.

simple RSVP for D7

Enter date, place, time and invitation text as well as select a role and enter additional mail addresses.

CKEditor Google event tracker

Integrate the ckeditor google event tracker plugin to the wysiwyg api module.

Webform PercentCalc


This module provides a "Percentage Calculation" component to webform-enabled
content types for Drupal 7. The content editor can add this component to their
webform, and select 2 other components (already added to the form) which are
the numerator and denominator of the built-in percentage calculation function.

The module then displays a dynamically updated percentage value while the data
entry user is filling in the form. This is achieved by adding some simple
(soon-to-be themeable) div-set markup + a hidden input field, both of which are
updated whenever the selected numerator/denominator components change.

I have borrowed heavily from to
write this (unfinished) module, after failing to make it work to meet my
immediate (client's) needs. My hope would be to merge with that project,
providing a generalized calculated-value component for the excellent Webform
module, with some display-side niceties for the js-loving set. If you're
interested in helping this effort, see Development notes in the README.txt.


Drupal 7.x
Webform 3.x
jQuery Update 2.x-dev (jQuery 1.7)


IP Geolocation Block

This module provides a block that will show if it matches your current location using the ip_geoloc module (which also uses GPS data


Uses a PubSubHubbub implementation to syndicate content between any sites that also have this module, moderate incoming content, and publish. Currently supports two sites with identical content-types to share content between each other automatically.

The PubSubHubbub protocol allows for near-immediate updates from the publisher to the consumer, including updates to content. The consumer registers itself with the publisher automagickally when it initiates the first pull of content. The publisher will then ping all of its subscribers when syndicatable content has been created or modified. The consumer will pull in new content and make updates to existing consumed content, and put the new content into a moderation queue waiting for your editor's approval and placement of the content within the consumer site.

A great use case is creating a content hub for a series of stand-alone websites. They all subscribe to the content hub and publish to the hub, allowing all sites to pick and choose which content to use out of all of the websites combined.

View README for details.
