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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Commerce MailChimp

This module integrates Drupal Commerce with the Mailchimp API's ECommerce 360 feature for tracking store statistics for email campaigns sent via MailChimp.

Ubercart attribute ignore

This module makes it possible to ignore certain attributes from stock management.
This is done by hiding the attribute options from the 'product adjustements tab'.

Commerce Funds


Commerce Funds implements a Funds Management System for your website using Drupal Commerce and allows your users to perform money transactions between each others. It creates Account Balances to hold "virtual money" in it. It allows users to Deposit Funds, Transfer Funds, make Escrow Payments, Buy any product on the site using their account balance and send Withdrawal Requests to administrators. This module works with multicurrency websites. The Drupal 7 version is not maintained anymore.

Authnet CIM

This is a Drupal Commerce CIM payment gateway, while using drupal Commerce payment gateway.

Commerce Coupon by Terms

The machine name of this project is commerce_couponterms.

Allows coupons to apply to products tagged with specific taxonomy terms.

Commerce Supplier Stock

This module adds some rules actions to deduct not only simple stock, but also what I'm calling Supplier Stock.

Ubercart Order Complete

This module provides the ability to perform actions when an order is marked 'completed'.

Out of the box, it provides two simple features:

Commerce Card on File Revisions

This module is an extension of Commerce Card on File that provides revision handling for card data.

Commerce Minimum Order Quantity and Increment

The module allow you set minimum order quantity and an order quantity increment. This quantity is for the entire order not each product line item.

Mailpro Email Marketing - Create Newsletter

Email Marketing Mailpro Drupal

This Drupal MailPro module uses MailPro API to interact with the user's MailPro account in order to manage their newsletter.

dSero Anti AdBlock for Google AdSense

Blog Publisher! Stop losing money to AdBlocks. Start using AdBlock proof ads!

dSero Anti AdBlock for Google AdSense outsmarts AdBlock extensions and keeps
presenting your ads to your site visitors.
Many websites provide high quality content and services based on revenue generated by ads.
Often, surfers install AdBlock extensions to their browsers to block different types such as Google Adsense(TM) and display ads.
AdBlock extensions are used by more and more people and in some cases over 20% of a site's visitors use as blockers.
dSero provides you with free analytics to reveal exactly how many are using
AdBlock extensions, revealing your numbers.
Our free Anti AdBlock solution allows you to continue displaying your ads to
users of AdBlock extensions.
Not only is Anti AdBlock free, we will pay you to use it.

Enjoy our 3 unique benefits:

  1. Not Only is it Free. We Will Pay You for Using It! It's like placing another type of ad that is displayed only for AdBlock users. You boost your ad revenue.
  2. Just One Click! The easiest plugin installation ever... Download the plugin, install it and submit your email at the settings page. We do the rest.

Commerce Periship

Drupal commerce module that plugs into the Periship Rate Quote API to retrieve quotes for shipping perishable goods through Periship services.

Color Image

Displays an image of the most used color in an image file.

Commerce table rate

This module allows administrators to define different shipping rates depending on the country and the weight of the object.

Commerce Purolator Shipping

This module enables you to get and show purolator shipping cost estimates on checkout of Drupal Commerce orders. The estimates are based on the location of shipper, ship to location, physical weight of the order and type of packaging.

Physical (physical fields)
Commerce shipping (including ‘Shipping UI’)

To use this module, the products on your site must have a weight field. The module ‘Physical’; mentioned above provides physical fields. Apply for Purolator API credentials at To add the weight field to your product, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Home » Administration » Store » Products.
  2. Click the ‘product types’ tabs of the overlay.
  3. Click the ‘manage fields’ link and add a field with machine name ‘field_weight’ and use the field type ‘Physical weight’. The widget for this field would be ’Weight textfield’.
  4. Save the field and then the product type.

Ubercart mbe4 Mobile Payment Method

Integrates the mbe4 mobile payment method for Ubercart.

The Mobile Business Engine 4 (mbe4) platform is a mobile payment solution which provides mobile micropayments via phone bill. It is developed to pay for digital contents, like ring tones, videos, music, ebooks and other digital goods.

Commerce MIGS Merchant

A payment method for Drupal Commerce for the MIGS payment gateway.


NLPCaptcha is the pioneer of Captcha advertising and it converts your security tool into revenue generating Ad platform.

Commerce Gift Certificates

Built off the commerce coupon module, this module creates a gift certificate product, which, when sold, creates a single use coupon code to redeem the certificate.
