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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Simple Google Maps

This module is about the simplest way to get a Google Map, and/or a link to a Google Map, displayed with your content. It provides a field formatter for Drupal plain text fields (it can also be used on Computed Fields module fields). You enter an address that Google Maps can recognize in the field, and the formatter displays it as a dynamic map, a static map (without the ability to zoom/pan etc.), a link to Google Maps, or some combination.

If you want to do something more complicated than this, such as displaying location fields from multiple nodes on a map, see:

Address Field

Address field widget form

Address Field defines a new field type to store international postal addresses, implementing a subset of the top-level address elements defined in the xNAL standard (see the glossary below).

The field configuration lets you determine which elements of an address should be present in the field widget form and which ones should be rendered for display.

This module was initially developed to support address storage in Drupal Commerce customer profiles, but it is now used by a wider variety of modules dealing with physical addresses and mapping.


  • Standardized storage of international postal addresses based on the xNAL standard (the same format used by Google Maps for geocoding)
  • Per-country edit form and formatting of addresses
  • Proper formatting of address forms and output on a country by country basis as they are added to the module; see the address formats issue queue for pending country support
  • Feeds integration for address importing

Bundle Copy

Bundle Copy for Drupal 8

Bundle Copy is in Drupal 8 Core CMI!

Printer, email and PDF versions

print icons

This module allows you to generate the following printer-friendly versions of any node:

  • Printer-friendly version (webpage format) (at
  • PDF version (at
  • EPUB version (at
  • Send by email (at

where nid is the node id of content to render.

Smart Date

Module logo

This module attempts to provide a more user-friendly date field, by upgrading the functionality of core in a number of ways:


@font-your-face logo


@font-your-face provides an administrative interface for browsing and applying web fonts (using CSS @font-face, supported in all popular browsers) from a variety of sources. Try it out on


  • A font browsing interface allows selection of fonts from from several providers:
  • Fonts are automatically loaded on site simply by clicking "Enable"; no need to create font files, write CSS, add JS, nor figure out different methods for every font provider.
  • Clear indication of license restrictions on provided fonts.
  • Fonts can be applied to specific text on the site either by using the provided font-family identifier in theme CSS, or by typing a CSS selector directly in the @font-your-face interface.
  • The @font-your-face code is designed for re-use, so other modules can both supply and read active and available font information.
  • You can also import your own local fonts in WOFF format.)
  • Fonts can be exported/imported(7.x-2.x via Features, 8.x via core configuration)
  • Automated tests (8.x via TravisCI)


Provides integration with the geoPHP library:

This module does not provide any direct functionality to end-users or site-administrators. Install it only if another module requires it.

GeoPHP is a open-source native PHP library for doing geometry operations. It is written entirely in PHP and can therefore run on shared hosts. It can read and write a wide variety of formats (WKT, WKB, GeoJSON, KML, GPX, GeoRSS). It works with all Simple-Feature geometries (Point, LineString, Polygon, GeometryCollection etc.) and can be used to get centroids, bounding-boxes, area, and a wide variety of other useful information.

geoPHP also helpfully wraps the GEOS php extension so that applications can get a transparent performance increase when GEOS is installed on the server. When GEOS is installed, geoPHP also becomes fully compliant with the OpenGIS® Implementation Standard for Geographic information. With GEOS you get the full-set of openGIS functions in PHP like Union, IsWithin, Touches etc. This means that applications get a useful "core-set" of geometry operations that work in all environments, and an "extended-set"of operations for environments that have GEOS installed.

Read the API Reference at:
Learn about GEOS integration at:



A standardized solution for building API's so that external clients can communicate with Drupal.


WebP logo

Creates a WebP copy of image style derivatives to decrease loading times.

Page Title

Page Title

This module is deprecated, all functionality is being moved into the Metatag module, an upgrade process is available and is

Nice Menus


Nice Menus enables drop-down/right/left expandable menus. It uses only CSS for most browsers, with minimal Javascript for IE6. (Version 2 uses the Superfish jQuery plugin for all browsers, with an option to disable JS, and falls back to CSS-only for browsers that can handle it.)

Three styles/types of menus are currently possible: horizontal, menus drop down; vertical, menus fly to the left; vertical, menus fly to the right. There is a handbook page that provides a list of sites that use Nice menus.

Nice Menus creates blocks that may be associated with any existing site menu which can be placed wherever normal blocks can be placed in a theme. For themers, it is also possible to theme a menu as a Nice Menu directly by using the provided theme functions so a block is not necessary. A specific theme function for the Primary Links menu is available. The theme functions also allow a developer to pass in a custom menu tree of their making (i.e. not using a Drupal menu.) There is more information on how to use theme functions in the documentation.


jCarousel screenshot default skin

This module allows developers and themers to make use of the jCarousel jQuery plugin.


This module provides integration with Mailchimp, a popular email delivery service.


Encrypt is a Drupal module that provides an application programming interface (API) for performing symmetric or asymmetric encryption. It allows integrating modules to encrypt and decrypt data in a standardized manner. It doesn't provide any user-facing features of its own, aside from administration pages to manage encryption profiles.

Matomo Analytics

Matomo for Drupal configuration page

This module adds the Matomo web statistics/analytics tracking system to your website.

Field Formatter Class

Field formatter class settings on the manage-display tab, showing a custom class being added to a term reference field.


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.
Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.

Allows site administrators to add classes to the outer HTML wrapper for any field display, so that CSS and Javascript can target them.

It's particulary useful for adding classes required by various jQuery plugins and CSS grid systems.

Exclude Node Title

A checkbox to exclude title

This module handles a very simple functionality, decide whatever to exclude a node title from full node page or node teasers.
It provides a checkbox on node-edit pages for easier exclusion, or you can use the admin page to manually enter a list of node id's to exclude title.
Also provides the option to hide all titles of a certain Content type. From the administrative interface you can select a content type to hide title for.
Use case: Let's say you create a content type called: Lightbox content, and in your layout lightbox content will have titles set on title attribute of the link, rather than inline on your page, so you would like to exclude title from displaying inline for all your nodes of type Lightbox content, simple, just check the option and voila.

How it works?

This project has some other, very simple approaches, like hiding the title from CSS using display: none or applying the template_preprocess_page hook in your theme to make the title variable null.
Actually Exclude Node Title does the same thing, only that you don't have to manually make different hacks, hard to track from the administration interface.

New features 7.x-1.5

Content Access

Content Access tab in a content type

Content Access allows you to manage permissions for content types by role and author. It allows you to specify custom view, edit and delete permissions for each content type. Optionally you can enable per content access settings, so you can customize the access for each content node.

Search API Autocomplete

The Search API Autocomplete module in action.

This module provides autocomplete functionality for Search API searches.

Back To Top

Back To Top - Example

Back To Top adds a button that hovers in the bottom of your screen and allow users to smoothly scroll up the page using jQuery.

File Delete (D8/D9)

The File Delete module adds the ability to easily delete files —both private and public— within Drupal administration.


This project provides D7 versions of the 'node_reference' and 'user_reference' field types, that were part of the CCK package in D6, at fu
