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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

DrupalPractice sniffer

Uses PHP_CodeSniffer to find common errors that new Drupal developers make in their modules. Note that this will likely throw false positives and you should never change your code without verifying the reported problem. Everything that does not really fit into Coder Sniffer and pure coding standards will be included in this project.


DrupalPractice is developed on Github, please use pull requests and report issues on Github.


Detects the following bad practices:

  • Unused and undefined PHP variables
  • @author tags in doc blocks
  • form_set_error() being used without t()
  • 'access administration pages' permission is used in hook_menu()
  • Un-namespaced classes and interfaces are not prefixed with the module name
  • $form_state['input'] is used instead of $form_state['values']
  • $field['und'] is used instead of $field[LANGUAGE_NONE]
  • Form API #options values are not translated with t()
  • variable_get() calls where variables are not prefixed with the module name


Same as Coder Sniffer, except that this sniffer should be linked as DrupalPractice into PHP_CodeSniffer.

Another sandbox project. bonus exo from

Il s'agit de pratiquer un peu plus la conception de module et en particulier d'apprendre à se déplacer et se repérer dans le code Drupal.

Organic groups Role Delegate

This module add new permissions to Organic Groups to restrict the roles that a member can assign within the group.

Views Contextual Filter - Entity Fields

Have you ever set up a contextual filter in Views, and needed to change the default argument to "PHP code" to fetch a field from the current node? This module aims to avoid solutions like this:

Syslog Access

Syslog Access compliments the core Syslog module by routing access statistics and logs to syslog (in addition to Syslog's routing of Watchdog), allowing you to use your favorite log management soft

Atom Social Links

The Atom Social Links module provides a basic block with configurable fields for social media urls. The available social networks can be modified in the social_links_networks() function.

Contextual modules

The Contextual modules module allows for Drupal module to be enabled and disabled via the Context module.

Atom Partners

The Atom Partners module creates a Partner node type with fields to track the partner's name, description, logo and website.

Atom Marquee

The Atom Marquee feature provides a Marquee Content node type where users can upload an image, set a title, text and read more link url.

SWDP #138


Secret world domination project No. 138.

Allows users to add and confirm d.o userIDs to their profiles, in a somewhat hackish manner.


This module provides a simple formatter for taxonomy terms to display the terms with plus more effect with a configurable items to be shown before +more. Eg : Drupal,Git +3 more.

Views Based & Dependent Lists

  1. Fields that are dependent on other fields.
  2. Fields whose values can be based on views.


This project permit to show logs when collected via core syslog module.

Atom Images

The Atom Images Feature creates most of the functionality surrounding image handling. Atom Images creates an Image node with appropriate fields for the image file.

Atom Latest Updates

The Latest Updates Feature provides a view (latest_updates) to display recent content and a context (latest_updates_front) to insert the view into the content region on the home page.

Atom Blog

The Atom Blog feature provides functionality to include a blog on your site. To do this it creates two content types: Blog and Author Profile.

Contextual variables

The Contextual variables module allows for Variables to be temporarily modified using the Context module, for example, you could turn the Environment Indicator module on or off depending on what th

User Scheduled Delete

This module gives site editors the ability to schedule a user account for deletion a set period in the future. During cron runs the module deletes accounts that are scheduled for deletion.

Reply Notify

This is the equivalent of comment_notify for reply.

OpenLayers Open Weather Map

Provides default OpenWeatherMap layers and a new layer type to display weather forecast and weather stations all around the globe.

Views node access

Views access node

This modul extend the access control of Views 3 additionally by:

jQuery Admin

An addon module for better handling on updates and versioning in jQuery Update.


Provide the SIPml5 JavaScript library for use in the development of other modules. Used by the DruCall module.
