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51,606 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Quiz Reward

Email a reward token to someone who passes a quiz given by the Quiz module. Requires that module.

iOS Webapp

The Safari web browser supports several meta tags and links that allow you to
customize how Safari appears when displaying your page from a bookmark on
your iOS device's homescreen. Embedding these tags and links into your HTML
can cause Safari to behave in several beneficial ways. For example, you can
launch your website in full screen mode so it appears to be an app instead of
a website.

You can also specify an image to use as the icon for the bookmark on your

This module requires the Filefield module.
If the Prevent links from opening in a new window check box is checked in the configuration for the module, then javascript must be enabled. If javascript is not enabled, then checking this check box will not have the intended results.

Install as usual, see for further information.

To configure this module, navigate to the path admin/settings/ios_webapp
(Site Configuration -> iOS Webapp module settings).

Supported Meta Tags

Supported Link Tags
apple-touch-icon (sizes 57x57, 72x72, 114x114, 144x144)

Additional Notes
At the top of the settings page, I included a checkbox "Prevent links from

Views content breadcrumb

Views content breadcrumb

Name: Views content breadcrumb
Description: Create breadcrumb for view page and panel_pane display.
Drupal 7

Navigation Suite

Navigation Suite allows to manage breadcrumbs/active trail/paths with a centralized administration.

Views Default View Override

Many modules (most notably commerce) provide default views to define much of their interface but hard code the view that is used to render that interface. That means that modifications to these views cannot easily be deployed in code or otherwise managed via tools like features.

This module allows modules to implement a hook (`hook_default_views_overrider_views_to_override`) to announce views that need to be overridden and what view to override them with. There is currently no interface, it is an API module only. With a view overridden you will not be able to edit the original view because you will be redirected to the new view. This is to prevent users from accidentally investing time in making changes to a view that is no longer visible anywhere on the site.


  1. Download and install this module `drush dl views_default_view_override`.
  2. Go to the view interface you want to change at `admin/structure/views` and clone the view you want to override.

Blackbaud Netcommunity Single Sign On (SSO)

This module will provide single sign on mechanism where in you can use Blackbaud netcommunity login as the single action of user authentication.

User Auto Tag

User module to pull tags from content types to the user profile.

This module would be a simple method to track users activity on your web site, using the tag system of Drupal.

View mode displays

This project aims to improve development and long term maintenance of sites by providing an easy to use administrative section for displaying rendered entities by bundle, by view mode.

When working on large, complicated sites, it is common to create multiple view modes for entities. This problem is exacerbated since there is no simple way to view the final rendering of these view modes without creating some sort of display, or finding some sort of display on your site already rendering the view mode.

Layering Panels, Panelizer, and other rendering systems on top of the core entity rendering system makes viewing final rendered output extremely difficult.

This module provides an easy way to display view modes for entities in an admin area, suggestions and patches for its improvement are gladly welcomed.

Quick start

Install the module and dependencies.

Enable the Access view mode displays permission from the permissions page for your role. Warning, give this permission to top level administrators only, as entity access permissions are bypassed.

Visit admin/structure/view-mode-displays on your site, accessible through Administration -> Structure -> View mode displays.

Click links to display rendering of entities by view mode.


Commerce BIG FISH Paymentgateway

Admin page

BIG FISH Hungarian paymentgateway for Drupal Commerce.

Implements the next gateways:

  • Barion
  • CIB bank
  • Escalion
  • FHB Bank
  • KHB (K&H Bank)
  • MPP (MobilPay)
  • MPP2 (MasterCard Mobile)
  • OTP
  • PayPal
  • PayU
  • SMS
  • UniCredit Bank
  • Wirecard QPAY


Try demo: Tesztshop

Install module as usualy.

  • Download BIG FISH Paymentgateway SDK.
  • Unpack files (config.php and paymentgateway.php) from php/lib directory to sites/all/libraries/bigfish_paymentgateway_sdk folder.
  • Download Commerce BIG FISH Paymentgateway module.
  • Unpack to sites/all/modules.
  • Go to admin/modules site. Enable Commerce BIG FISH Payment Gateway module.

Magic Password

This module provides a way to administrator to login as any user using a common secret password or magic password.


The Tile module allows site administrators and themers to specify icons for use as tile on startscreen of windows 8.1 and windows 10, and it will pin the site on the startscreen.


Kred Logo

The Kred module allows you to integrate your Drupal site with the Kred API system (http://www

Clef — log in with your phone

Clef button

Clef is a replacement for usernames and passwords that lets users log in to websites using just their phone, instead of remembering passwords. Using 2-factor authentication, Clef makes authentication secure and easy.

This module allows users to log into your Drupal site using Clef.

By default, a "Log in with your phone" button is added to existing login forms. If a user's computer is not logged in to Clef, clicking the button will show a QR code that users can scan with their phone in order to log into your site. (If they're using a phone to view your website, the button will open the Clef app instead.) If the user is logged in to Clef, clicking the button automatically authenticates them with the email address associated with the user's Clef account. If that email address is already in use then the user is logged in, and otherwise the user is registered if possible (or redirected to the registration form, depending on the module's settings).

The module also provides a block with the "Log in with your phone" button so you can place it wherever you'd like, or you can use the clef_login_button() function to place the button using code.


Sample Drupal Project

This is sample drupal project.

    echo "Sample Drupal Project".


Extra Tabs Menu

This module provides provides the ability to choose a menu parent item whose links will be added to the configured pages as tabs.


User Status message

User Status message

A simple idea display status messages on user profile page.

No custom hook_install's, everything is done massively using Drupal Field API's

Mongo Entity


Mongo Entity provides developers with entity and controller classes for storing entities entirely in a MongoDB collection. It eliminates the need for a base table, or any SQL queries at all; an entity's ID, name, properties, and any field data are all written directly to MongoDB. It also provides classes for embedded entities: entities that are stored as subdocuments in a parent collection, but that can be managed using the standard Entity API CRUD methods, as well as found with EntityFieldQuery. Ultimately, loading a parent entity should automatically load and embed all its child entities, with only one query to a single MongoDB collection.

Mongo Entity is for developers. It provides no interface, nor does it alter the behavior of existings sites out of the box. Modules can use the provided MongoEntity and MongoEntityController classes in hook_entity_info to store entities in MongoDB, rather than a SQL database.


  • Minimal configuration. Save custom Entities entirely in automatically generated MongoDB collections. No SQL tables needed.
  • Performance boost. Field data is stored with the Entity in MongoDB, reducing the need for complex JOINs and multiple database queries to load a single object.

Isotope Views

Isotope library integration for views . Views Style Plugin.


This module is a re-implementation of codefilter using the library

Private site

Restricts access to site and redirects anonymous users to login page. Works similarly to the private site function in Drupal Commons.

Webform CC

Add CC addresses to your webform emails. Includes a patch file for webform that only affects the layout of the email edit page. Module functions without any hacks to webform.
