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254 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.



The 'Controller' module is "C" in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

It can be useful if you want to use MVC in Drupal like it can be done in MVC frameworks (like ZF, Yii and so on).

The 'controller' module allows to use a Page Controllers (Action Controllers) for your pages. The Controller is just class that has set of actions. Each action is a separate method that will be called for specified path (page).

For example if you have the 'foo/bar' path (URI), then you can create a new class called FooBarPageController and myAction method (you can use other names of course). This method will be called for the 'http://host/foo/bar' address.

Important note 1: it is utility module for programmers only.

Important note 2: the Controller object that acts as page handler is not the same as Controller that implements DrupalEntityControllerInterface - they are different things and used for different purposes.


Here is a screencast that shows main features.

AK Carousel

A Drupal 7 module

Ranieri Machado

Debut Location

Debut Location is a Debut Feature module for displaying Location content types on an OpenLayers map and in a list. Sample uses for Debut Location include:

  • A community mapping project identifying places with custom icons along the lines of the Green Map System.
  • Mapping any point-type feature that includes different types, such as classes of organizations, cultural locations, or environmental features.

Part of the Debut features set, Debut Location provides a location content type and related taxonomy and map displays that can be used to create maps with custom icons. As well as basic location mapping, Debut Location is well suited to mapping projects that include classifying locations with custom markers. A enhanced sidebar map legend includes icons for each location type and a collapsible tree menu to facilitate use with large sets of location types.

Like all Debut features, Debut Location can be integrated either as a stand-alone feature to quickly add mapping functionality to any Drupal site or as part of a Drupal distribution. Debut Location is a candidate for inclusion in the Open Outreach Drupal distribution aimed at nonprofits.


  • Location content type with accompanying image field and address field using the Address field module. The geographic location is automatically determined from address information.
  • Location type vocabulary with accompanying image field. Images attached to location type terms will be used as map icons.
  • Map view presenting an interactive OpenLayers map and a sidebar legend that can be used to filter the items on the map.
  • Location region vocabulary for mapping a regional extent.
  • User permissions.

Emacs IDE for Drupal


Tools and libs for Drupal development under GNU/Emacs. GNU/Emacs is a big and strange thing actively used by a hacker subculture for any purposes. One of Emacs abilities — to be an IDE for a wide variety of languages. There are some extensions and tools for using Emacs as IDE for PHP. The purpose of this project is to merge useful PHP tools for Emacs to one bundle for a quick installation and easy updating.

Version 1.x of the IDE offers basic set of features:

  • Syntax highlighting (with drupal-mode)
  • Code formatting mostly compatible with Drupal standards (with drupal-mode)
  • Basic set of expandable code templates for Drupal hooks and PHP functions (with yasnippet)
  • Realtime PHP-syntax checks (with flymake)
  • Shows help for API functions in an external browser


  • Insert hook templates from parsed *.api.php files.
  • Minor mode for replace dashes with underscores (especially for hardcoded Lisp programmers :)
  • Snippets with Russian comments (more translated snippets are welcome)

From Emacs point of view features are:

OM Subthemer

OM Subthemer Sample Skin

A power tool that creates subthemes for all base themes. By default, it is using OM Base Theme (version 2) and it has also an option to make standalone themes.

This module demonstrates the power of PHP recursion when applied to custom layouting and automates processing of important classes, such as:

  • Wrapper Level - styling by wrapper depth
  • Row/Column - styling blocks vertically or horizontally
  • Number of Rows/Columns - for applying width and height depending on the number rows and columns, ex. 1 column gets 100%, 2 columns get 50%, and so on
  • First/Last - styling first div or last div differently
  • Wrapper/Region - styling wrapper divs and region divs differently


  • Ability to create custom layouts and regions
  • Creating regions and wrappers is as easy as dragging the elements
  • Wrapper Element: an element, with other elements nested below it, becomes a wrapper
  • Region Element: an element, without other elements nested below it, becomes a region

Symfony Validator Translator


The Symfony validation translator module translates strings
from the Symfony validation constraint messages.




This module provides a tiny API to make SIMPLE and EASY the usage of jQuery Dialogs with Drupal pages and forms.

This module hasn't as many features as ctools or DialogAPI as it is aimed to be used as a page callback function on hook_menu, not a full featured API.



Integrate Laravel Illuminate with Drupal


White Link

Remove "Hypertext Reference" attribute in menu link. Give you <a> without "href".

Item session lock API

An API module that let you lock any resource to a user session.

Course management

This is the learning project. The goal of the project was to create an example and provide guidelines for creating custom content entity types.


Xu is an evolving set of developer utilities for working with Drupal (like Chaos Tools).

Monster Menus

Monster Menus (MM) has been actively developed by Amherst College since 2006.

Term Queue

This module has been superseded by Entityqueue which allows creation of queues from nodes, taxonomy terms, users and

jQuery Popupwindow

jQuery Popupwindow turns any desired link into a popup window.

Ajax Region

configuration page

This module allows to configure flexibly the internal links of your site, which will update the appointed regions using Ajax, instead of full page refresh.

Community Media MNN Util

This project was developed from Manhattan Neighborhood Network and contains a large handful of sub-modules that were used for various small user interface tweak

Views jQFX Galleria



This module integrates the Aino Galleria image gallery plugin with views.

Drupal Demo


Aino's Galleria is an extremely powerful javascript plugin for creating first class customizable photo galleries. Combined with the power of views, it should cover just about any need.

Galleries can be created from multiple image fields per node (or other entity), or multiple nodes can be grouped into a single gallery.

Galleria provides support for carousels, sliders, autoplayers, lightboxes (built into the plugin), titles, captions, fullscreen mode, image panning, and more.

Themes are customizable. Additional themes are available from Aino.


Installation Notes

It requires the Galleria plugin from Aino available here:

Follow the instructions in the README file. They are pretty thorough.

Development Status

New features since alpha1


Integration of the PHPUnit framework, for unit testing and test driven development, with Drupal.

Stable release 5.x-1 is now available.

A great series of blog posts by Pat Shaughnessy on Test Driven Development for Drupal 6 using PHPUnit are available. Take a look at the first: Why to use TDD with Drupal.

Sliced Book Navigation

The Sliced Book Navigation allows the book navigation to be exploded - each level will be placed in its own block. It has the same behavior as the Sliced Menu module.

FreshBooks API

FreshBooks is a web based accounting application that makes it easy for you to track the time you spend on projects and invoice your clients. The company behind it is very web savvy and has managed to deliver a well documented, easy to use API for third party integration. This module aims to provide a full integration of the FreshBooks API for use by this and other Drupal modules.

Config Pages Import

Are you a module developer and use config entities? Are you too lazy to write code for your config forms? Import your config entity schemas into config_pages by two lines!

$import = \Drupal::service('config_pages_import');
