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5,931 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.


Adds a "forward this page" link to each node. This module allows users to email a specific node or other entity on your site to a friend. You can customize the link text and icon and choose the view modes on which the link appears. You can also customize the email template to match the rest of your site. The module includes a report on which pages are forwarded the most and a log of all forwarding activity.

Drag & Drop Upload


This module provides a Drag & Drop Upload element and widgets for a File and an Image fields.


  • Drag & Drop upload widget for a File and an Image fields.
  • Drag & Drop multi-upload support.
  • Media module integration (1.x): details
  • Video module integration: details
  • Insert module integration: details
  • Focal Point module integration: details
  • Upload progress bar support.
  • Browse button can be enabled if needed.
  • Provides drag & drop upload element (dragndrop_upload).
  • Flexible JS part of the module, that allows developers to define custom validators and previewers for a dropzone.
  • Makes it possible to turn any element into a dropzone (see Examples submodule).

Menu Icons

This module allows you to upload an image in the menu-item's configuration form.

After uploading the image, the icon data will be added to the menu link's
options array.

Smart IP

Smart IP identify visitor's geographical location (longitude/latitude), country, region, city and postal code based on the IP address of the user. These information will be stored in session variable ($_SESSION) with array key 'smart_ip', Drupal $user->data object with array key 'geoip_location' in Drupal 6 and 7 and user data service using the parameters 'smart_ip' as module and 'geoip_location' as name in Drupal 8 of the user but optionally it can be disabled (by role) at Smart IP settings page. Other modules can use the function smart_ip_get_location($ip_address) in Drupal 6 and 7 and \Drupal\smart_ip\SmartIp::query($ipAddress) in Drupal 8 that returns an array containing the visitor's ISO 3166 2-character country code, longitude, latitude, region (FIPS), city and postal code. It provides a feature for you to perform your own IP lookup and admin spoofing of an arbitrary IP for testing purposes.

Extra Field

Add a custom Drupal field with Extra field module

Provides plugin types to add extra fields in entity view and entity form of fieldable entities.

Simple Add More

This module simplifies the multi-value widgets when they have fixed cardinality (max number of values allowed).


The DataTables Drupal module integrates the smart DataTables plugin (originally jQuery based but in future vanilla JS) written by awesome Allan Jardine into Drupal as a tables views style and a cal

Entity Reference Validators

This module adds additional validators for Entity Reference fields.

So far it includes two validators:

Menu Link Weight

This module replaces the standard numeric weight dropdown widget for menu links in the node form with a tabledrag widget that lists all children for the selected parent.

View reference

View Reference example

Defines a field type View reference which creates a relationship to a Views display and allows the view to be displayed as the content of the field.

This module is modelled on Node reference and usage is similar.


Country field autocomplete

A country field for Drupal based on the Drupal core "locale" module's country list.

Inline Entity Form Table View Mode

An example of ief table view mode

This module defines a view mode to set up the columns of the table for the Inline Entity Form widget.

Taxonomy Menu UI


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.

Term CSV Export Import

A module for those who need to import and export taxonomy terms via csv.

Similar Projects
None known for Drupal 8

Field Token Value

This module creates a Field API type and widget which allows a field to be created with the value containing tokens.

Menu Multilingual

Multilingual options for menu block

The Menu Multilingual module provides multilingual features for menu blocks, to filter out menu items that do not have translated labels or link to untranslated content.

Taxonomy Access Control Lite

This node_access module governs access to nodes based on the taxonomy terms applied to the nodes. A simple scheme based on taxonomy, roles and users controls which content is visible.

Taxonomy unique

Taxonomy unique settings form.


By default, Drupal allows creation of identical terms in the same vocabulary. Taxonomy unique prohibits saving a taxonomy term when a term with the same name exists in the same vocabulary. You can configure it individually for each vocabulary, and you can set custom error messages if a duplicate is found.



Project contains a set of modules for Drupal 7/8 that use Yandex.Maps service available at

Entity connect

Entity Connect extends Entity References fields by adding "add new content" and "edit current content" buttons.

Term reference change

Term reference change is an API module that provides functionality for modules that need to change term references in bulk.

Taxonomy Menu Trails

You need this module if you have a node with taxonomy term reference and a nested menu tree with taxonomy terms. And you want to keep menu expanded up to the term referred by current node.

Module provides integration with Taxonomy Menu.

Total Control Admin Dashboard

Total Control Administrative Dashboard

The Total Control Admin Dashboard creates a default panel page with useful administration tools. Its purpose is to create a central location from which a Drupal site can be properly cared for. Several overview panes are included for site stats and quick reference. Several administration panes are provided with quick links to content types, menus, taxonomy, and other scattered locations of important Drupal site administration. Several views panes are also provided as well as full-page comprehensive versions of the views with bulk operations. Each views panel pane is customizable via it's pane settings, or override the default views provided to suit your own needs.

Fieldable Path

The module contains a field type which provides 1:1 reflection of "path" property (defined in entities to determine their human-readable URL alias).
