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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Tracking Inject

This is a Drupal 8 module.

Adds the ability for injecting tracking scripts into website pages.

Theme Sauce

Adds admin options for common / helpful theming enhancements:
* Enable template files:
** per content type
** per error page
** per view mode

ECK Blocks

ECK Blocks module extends the ECK module in two ways:

Entityform E-Mail Confirmation

This module provides elements for Rules, which will allow you to setup confirmation of emails, that are sent to your website by using entityform.

Views Autocomplete Search

Views Autocomplete Search uses the Views autocomplete API module (it is a dependency with Views module of course)


JSLog the javascript error logger for Drupal 7

When console.log won't cut it.

Joomag filter


This input filter embeds Joomag publications in Drupal nodes.

Derivative Generator

This module allows you to select image styles per field instance that will be generated when a new image is uploaded to this field. Image generation is done via a queues.

Block Level Inline Contexts

Screenshot of an inline block context.

Block Level Inline Contexts allows you to manage block-placing contexts from the block configuration page. This means that editing a block will allow you to view and manage all the context conditions that place a block in one place. The goal of this module is to broadly make block and context management easier.

Commerce Panelizer

Add the possibility to panelize Commerce products.

Views Entity Terms

options screenshot

Extend the Views Taxonomy tid Contextual Filter plugin (default argument) to find terms referenced by entityreference.

Zen Mobile Menu

This is a very small module that makes default Zen sub-theme main menu be a bit more responsive. It does this by:

CTools API

OOP representation for content_types, styles and access types of

Credential Authentication API (CAA)

This module provides a simple and secure API to feed credentials, and returns a status message after verification.
Script for apache (external vhost) included.

Relation Panels Integration

This module provides Page Manager and Panelizer integration and CTools Context Plugins for Relations.

Salesforce Query

Salesforce Query is a module that allows admins to define semi-arbitrary queries that may be submitted to a connected Salesforce instance.
