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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Multiple Selects

Multiple Selects

This modules provides a widget called Multiple Selects list for the the following fields types:

Drupal 7

Entity Reference View Widget

This module provides an advanced Entity Reference widget that uses a view embedded in a modal dialog for selecting items.


Drupal 6 Version

The jPlayer module provides a wrapper around the jPlayer JavaScript library. This library provides an HTML5-based player, that uses a Flash fallback for browsers that do not yet support it. This module provides a default presentation for the player, as well as integration with CCK file fields and a display style for Views. This makes it possible to easily convert the display of any file field into an audio player.

This player will only work with files supported by the jPlayer library.

This module Made by Robots.

Drupal 6 Dependencies

Drupal 7 Version

Totally re-written to take power of native fields in core and javascript libraries. Works with the new jPlayer 2.0 for all different types of audio and video files.

  • Single display formatter with instance configurations including: autoplay, solution, preload, volume, muted, repeat and background color.
  • Different player kinds including: single (intelligent multi-format support) or playlist.

Date all day

Date all day module

Provides a field widget and a set of field formatters for date range field types to allow editors to set that a date has no time, meaning that it place all the day.


Popup login form

The popup suite allows builders to popup tooltip-like text, nodes, blocks, menus, forms, views and php-generated content.

It includes the following modules:



Provides a Views display, style and row plugin for displaying nodes using Adam Shaw's FullCalendar jQuery plugin.


There is a good deal of info in the issue queue, but if you're on IRC, come by the #drupal-fullcalendar channel and say hello!


As of 7.x-2.0-beta1, the Colorbox integration is part of the FullCalendar Options submodule.

Please remember to run update.php first, or clear all caches.

The FullCalendar Colors submodule requires the Colors API module. There is an upgrade path, be sure to run update.php and clear your caches.
Specifically, if you are using FullCalendar beta2, you must use Colors beta2.

The template files (*.tpl.php) have been removed, if you still wish to use those, please install FullCalendar Templates.


See the documentation for installation instructions.


See the documentation for usage information.


Maintainer and developer: tim.plunkett

Field multiple limit

Screenshot of additional field formatter settings. Number of values to display, number of values to skip.

This is a simple module that provides settings to limit the number of values to display on fields with multiple values.

Taxonomy term locks

Taxonomy term page with term lock


The taxonomy term lock module provides support to lock specific terms so that users are not able to edit or delete terms that have a lock placed on them.

Current Page Crumb

Current Page Crumb extends the Drupal 8 core system breadcrumbs to append the current page title as a text only breadcrumb. Admin paths are left unmodified. The module has no configuration.


DHTML Menu uses Javascript to reduce the number of page loads when using nested menus; this is particularly useful with Drupal's administration system.

Menu Views

Allows menu items to render views instead of links. This is useful for creating "mega-menus".

What Menu Views Does

Menu Views is a utility module. It provides back end support for replacing a standard menu item link with a menu item view. Menu items (in any menu) now have the option of toggling between two different menu item types: link or view. Depending on which option is selected, the appropriate configuration form is displayed on the admin side and the appropriate type of item is rendered on the front-end.

What Menu Views Does NOT Do

Menu Views is NOT a theming/styling module for mega-menus. As stated above, this module is strictly a utility module for replacing menu item link with a view. Once the HTML markup is there, Menu View's job is done! Read #1794010: Menu Views is not working.

Theme Integration

Depending on how a theme renders the primary and secondary navigation, this module may not work because the parent items may not ever be extended (regardless whether they are checked as such in the menu item).

It is strongly recommended to use one of the following modules in your theme's menu region instead (see: Use menus in Drupal 7? You need Menu block module.).

Forum Access

This module changes your forum administration page to allow you to set forums private. You can control what user roles can view, edit, delete, and post to each forum. You can also give each forum a list of users who have administrative access on that forum (AKA moderators).

This module requires the ACL module in order to function. The D7 version also requires the Chain Menu Access API 2.x module.

Forum Access for D7 is compatible with the core Forum module, Advanced Forum, and Content Access, Domain Access as well as all other well-behaved node access modules.

Inline Entity Form Table View Mode

An example of ief table view mode

This module defines a view mode to set up the columns of the table for the Inline Entity Form widget.

Taxonomy Formatter

This is a small module written to provide a custom formatter for taxonomy items. The default formatters both output the terms wrapped in divs.

Link target

This module allows you to add a target to link fields.

You can configure the link target per link if you select the appropriate field widget in the field settings.

Add To Calendar Button (

Add to Calendar Module integrates 'Add to Calendar' button provided by which supports iCalender, Google Calendar, Outlook, Outlook Online and Yahoo Calen

Image Field Caption

Screenshot of Image Field Caption for Drupal

Adds an extra text area for captions on image fields.

Sticky Navigation

Sticky Navigation allows to select any element (preferably a navigation menu) and make it stay on top of the page on any theme while you scroll down further down the page.

URL field

Sample output of an url field

A lightweight URL field that is intended to be used as the basis for Drupal 8's URL field type in #501434: Move Link/URL field type into core. This can also easily be used to replace Drupal 6 profile URL fields.




  • External links only
  • Optional title support
  • Titles can be automatically fetched from the <title> value of the URL.
  • Widget with options to use title or URL as the link text, and trim length for long URLs or titles.
  • Token replacement of the title field on display.
  • API support for attributes for each URL field value (not exposed in the widget).

If you need more complex stuff like supporting internal links or targets, etc., then you can easily write more complex field widgets and formatters.

Recommended modules

  • Elements module if enabled, the default URL field widget will use the HTML5 'url' FAPI element.

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What does this module do?

Most PDF modules generate PDFs from scratch; FillPDF is not one of those modules. Instead, it lets you fill in existing editable PDFs with data from your Drupal site. Editable PDFs are those forms that let you type into them.

Taxonomy Access Control

Access control for user roles based on taxonomy categories (vocabulary, terms).
