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51,602 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Workbench Access IMCE


Workbench Access IMCE provides a function, workbench_access_imce_path, that can

This module calls into, a service to help sites self document, catalog, and understand visual changes.


A plugin to make Drupal work with Qiniu's storage and CDN services.


Drupal module to create shapes based on user input coordinates (in development).

Unix Time Conversion

Date To Timestamp


Unix Time Conversion, This module allows site users to perform following conversions.

Kantar Gallup

The official Danish internet traffic statistics from the Danske Medier Research is handled by

Guardian news

This is a drupal-7 module which retrieves data from the Guardian newspaper api.

Domain wise aggregation

This module provide the domain wise setting for the aggregation and compression of css and js files when we use domain module of drupal.It is useful when someone using multidomain website.

Zurb Block Grid

Adds a format in views to utilize and take advantage of Zurb Foundations block grid system. Gives the user complete control of all settings at large, medium and small settings.

Pictaculous API

Pictaculous by MailChimp

This module is designed to simply provide integration with the Pictaculous web service for use inside of other modules.

Solaire Patches

Used to prototype patches for solaire


Add id on div "div_screenshot"

"Div Screenshot" provide an option to take a screenshot of a div with images. You have to only provide div id as mention in help or documentation. Once you add id on div and refresh page.

Views Page Disable Breadcrumb

Module to disable breadcrumb handling on views display page plugin

Error log jira


A module that exports the watchdog log messages from the watchdog table
and inserts them in jira, as issues.

Japan Postal Code

This module provides a Japan postal code data and API for them. This fetches the csv file from the Japan post office website and insert it into the local database.

bshare block


1, multi-language
2, option to one click to share to all platform associated with specific roles
3, configurable as usual


Provides named references to content. The named references can be used in views, panels, tokens, blocks etc. Later, content can be assigned to the references.

In-Place File Replace

file_replace screenshot

Sometimes an editor just needs to replace a file, nothing more and nothing less.

This utility module offers the ability for managed files (file and image field files) to be replaced without changing the path to the file and without the need for additional admin and editorial interfaces. It adds a "Replace" option on each file field widget that triggers a simple modal file replace upload form via AJAX. The replacement file assumes the exact same path, physical file name and file ID as the original. Any validation rules enforced by the file field are also re-enforced for the replacement.

Divas Cookies

This is the porting to Drupal of Divas Cookies jquery script by Coding Diva

Divas Cookies is:

Bot Redmine

This module is a plugin for the Bot module, allowing your bot to lookup Redmine issues.

co-browsing, co-surfing,

Browse your website together with the client - fast, safely and without installation.
