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51,595 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.


Adds the open Javascript library annotatorJS to a Drupal 8 site. Allows users to highlight words or phrases and annotate a web page.

Views Numeric Range Filter

views numeric range filter drupal 8 || 9

This module creates a +/- tolerance setting when filtering a numeric based view field.

Media: thePlatform mpx features

Media: thePlatform mpx features

The Media: thePlatform mpx features module allow administrator to export thePlatform MPX account level settings to a feature.

Anonymous login Upgraded

This is a very simple, lightweight module that will redirect anonymous users to the login page whenever they reach any admin-specified page paths, and will direct them back to the originally-reques

Views Term Relationship Depth

A Views handler allowing you to create relationships between taxonomy terms and entities, based on the terms' hierarchical descendants.

Views Custom Style

Views Custom Style is targeted at themers. It allows you to limit the amount of custom template files for your Displays.


mVaayoo is a cost effective End-to-End Enterprise Mobile Messaging Service with high service level availability.

OpenLucius RESTful API

Short description

This will enhance OpenLucius with a RESTful API, so you can connect other apps.


This module provides a block with a breadcrumb that has a dropdown navigation. It allows for faster navigation through websites with a large menu structure.

Selector SimpleFader

Element SimpleFader

Element SimpleFader is a module that uses the jQuery FadeIn function on the selected element on page load.

Textfield SimpleFocuser

Textfield SimpleFocuser is a module that uses jQuery to find the first textfield on each page and set focus to it.

Selector SimpleCloser

Selector SimpleCloser

A simple module that allows displayed CSS elements to be hidden when a click is detected anywhere outside of the element on the current page.

Simple Slick

Provides basic integration with Slick (, via the Libraries API.

Theme system sandbox

Make Renderable Object for D8 a reality.

Experimental replacement for the Renderer and ThemeManager services.

Views Partial Date

Views filter for date fields that allows filtering without setting a year.

Supported filter types:

Node Help Text

This module provides the ability to show help text for each content type created on a site.

Expose Box

This module is an alternative to the collapsible div/fieldset field groups for hiding
and showing content when a link is clicked.

Better Login Responsive

Login page responsive browser emulator

Better Login Responsive is a utility that makes the page to login / register / forgot password graphically appealing in style professional sites. The template is responsive Mobile.

WYSIWYG CKEditor Plugins

When using the WYSIWYG module with CKEditor, this module lets you specify arbitrary CKEditor plugins that can be recognised by WYSIWYG.
