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51,600 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Enterprise Wechat Facilities

Integration with with Enterprise Wechat. Weixin (wechat) is a popular mobile app in China, which have 6500 million active users.

Google Product Taxonomy


Google Product Taxonomy module provides the following features:

Location Views Filters Ajax

Provides the ability for location views exposed filters to work with ajax.


SmartQueue is a robust yet lightweight framework for queuing and processing long-running and resource intensive operations.

UserDetails Emailcamp


Sends Emails to admin about the users and their details through the Drupal website

FAPI collapsible


The FAPI collapsible provides new FAPI element for render form element as collapsible.

Simple Twilio

A simple module for sending SMS using Twilio's API.

Node Cancel Button

This is a module which provides a "Cancel" button in the node add/edit form. Cancel button can be enabled for specific content type.

The module is under development

Data integrity checker

By default Drupal provides ability to describe foreign keys through the Schema API, but it doesn't create them on database physical level. So data integrity could be corrupted.

Ubercart Shipping Insurance

Adds a new "shipping insurance" checkout pane. Shipping insurance can be either a percentage of the total or a fixed amount.


This is the placeholder project for the Service NOW generic code.

Extra SiteInfo

This module provides drush commands and user interface to see the count of nodes, content types, users & roles existing in the site, also information of currently logged-in users.


The FlickrCollection module is an add-on module for the FlickrGallery module.

Views Entity Reference Exposed Filter Checkboxes

This module makes it possible to create a view which rows are used for another views exposed filter list with checkboxes.

OOP Design Patterns

DB Adapter

The project is introducing some Demo implementations for OOP PHP Design Patterns in the Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 environments.

Described Link

Extends the core link field with an additional description text field. Provides a default widget, formatter, and theme template.

User Utils

A lightweight module that exposes a class that will automatically provision a user account AND log the new user in. This is useful for quick sign up forms. This is module is for module developers and does not contain any UI level configuration.

Currently this module is really just one member function of the UserUtils class:

$utils = new UserUtils();
$utils->provisionUser(array('email'=>$form_state['values']['email'], 'password'=>$form_state['values']['password']));

I have included a quick example of using this within the module.

Color Tagging

This module was originally authored, and is currently maintained by:
- Zafar Faizi

Uploadify Jcrop -- 猎人上传神器

This is a multi-function upload plugin, it can solve many problems...

Road map:

1. Form API support
2. user avata support
3. Entity and Field API
