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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.


This module provides a way to tag users on nodes and its comments like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with an simple @Username in the node or comment body.

Bulk File Upload (Plupload)

This module allows to upload multiple files in a bulk.


Message Entity Trigger

This project extends the Message module by providing a configuration entity to add triggers for creating messages when entities are inserted, saved (presave), updated, or deleted.

Protected Download

This module provides a way to grant access to specific files for a limited period of time to anonymous users. The generated links are protected by a HMAC, i.e.

Customer chat

Customer chat module lets you chat with your site's visitors. Privileged users can use the agent dashboard to handle incoming chat requests and chat with customers.

Post API



Post API is a module written for developers that would like to utilize Drupal
Queue API for POSTing to specified endpoint(s).

User Cancel Immediate

The Drupal 7 user cancellation workflow is fairly inflexible - it requires an email to be sent to the user, and the user must then log in (if they remember their login information) and then click t

Views Dynamic Entity Row


Views Dynamic Entity Row module provides dynamic row plugin that allows
to select individual view mode for each entity rendered by Views.

Block Data

Block Data Attributes form element.

Block Data provides the ability to add data attributes to blocks that come in handy when working with external APIs or JavaScript frameworks.

Savvior JS

A multi-column layout alternative to Salvattore or Masonry, without CSS driven configuration or absolute positioning.

Content Callback Views Filter Block

In Views, only when picking the "Page"-display you have the possibility to render the exposed filters in a block. Makes sense because the forms inside these blocks need a path to redirect to.

Commerce Order Timeout

Commerce Order Timeout provides the ability to push orders from specified order statuses to a specified order status after a specified amount of time.

Shortcode Social

If you are using Drupal 8 or above, it is recommended you use core's Media module to provide this functionality with the oembed field.

Coordinates picker

This is a very simple module to help end users to select coordinates (latitude / longitude), by dragging a marker on a google map.

Views Exposed Field Filter


This module allows users to expose fields to visitors. It adds another filter with the Exposed fields filter in filter criteria.

NProgress - slim progress bar in javascript

NProgress - slim progress bar in javascript

The NProgress module will show slim progress bar at the top of page for any ajax requests.

Forbidden File Format

Provides setting for the file upload fields, which allows to upload all types of files except of specified.


Provides two additional conditions for the Context module based on using what is identified by Drupal as the current Default Theme and the current Admin Theme.
