Add functionality and customize your Drupal application with thousands of projects contributed by our amazing community.

51,596 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Imgix - Real-time image processing

Render Drupal 8 images through Imgix, a real-time image processing service and CDN.

Proud Panels

Simplifies the Panels Add interface for the Proud distribution.

Maintenance Mode Login Message

Maintenance Mode Login Message Screenshot

This module adds a new field to the maintenance mode page and displays the message set on that page on the login page when your website is in maintenance mode.

Features Export Explode

Explode your Features exports into multiple files. This allows for easier management and review of changes included in updates to Feature modules.

Easy CurrencyCON

Easy currencyCON is a currency converter made available for all the Drupalers who wish to use currency converter module in their website.

OG Menu Shared

Fork of og_menu_single that allows individual group types have a menu that they automatically get added to, rather than puttin

Admin Protect

This module protects users with the administrator role from being edited by users with user privileges who are not administrators. File Browser

Setup Field

This is a simple module we created during a project in which we needed the ability to add some cloud storage to our nodes for project management.

Menu button

Sometimes you want a menu to be permanently visually-collapsed into a button, which you must click on in order to see the items inside that menu.

Address Field Lookup

Address Field Lookup provides an abstracted API which enables addresses to be looked-up via any number of 'Address Field Lookup Services'.

Site Name and Slogan rotator

Configuration example

Born one silly afternoon for a bit of fun, this module allows you to enter site name and site slogan alternatives.


Bontact Drupal module | Joshi Consultancy Services

This module is a bridge/integration to Bontact live chat tool
Bontact offers live chat along with SMS & Call back.

How to make it work:


Ultra powered gist embedding for your website.

WS notify

Notifies all users of a node being updated or inserted, by WebSocket.

Taxonomy TreeView

This module provides localized Structure Tree Based On taxonomy terms using JS library to display your terms nicely and tree collapse style.

Commerce Payphone

payphone logo

Gateway Integration of payphone service with Drupal Commerce (

Commerce Easy Config

Provides a long configuration form that makes common configuration tasks for Drupal Commerce easy.

Bulk File Upload (Plupload)

This module allows to upload multiple files in a bulk.



This module provides a way to tag users on nodes and its comments like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with an simple @Username in the node or comment body.

Protected Download

This module provides a way to grant access to specific files for a limited period of time to anonymous users. The generated links are protected by a HMAC, i.e.

Message Entity Trigger

This project extends the Message module by providing a configuration entity to add triggers for creating messages when entities are inserted, saved (presave), updated, or deleted.

Customer chat

Customer chat module lets you chat with your site's visitors. Privileged users can use the agent dashboard to handle incoming chat requests and chat with customers.
