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51,569 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Newsletter Prompt

The module provides a complete solution for capturing emails from users, to be reused as a base for any newsletter.

Browser refresh nodeJS integration

Simple yet powerful utility to integrate browser-refresh nodeJS module so that browser(s) with op

Field Before Title

Adds an option to field display to allow a field to be rendered above the entity's title. Configurable on a per-bundle, per-view mode basis.

advanced taxonomy block

Advanced taxonomy block, use to generate blocks quick & better.

Commerce Cart Link

Commerce Cart Link provides a new field formatter for Add to Cart fields attached to Commerce products and product displays.

MercadoPago API

This module provides an integration with MercadoPago API.

Currently this module provides


First step... More to come!

User Moderation

Have an active community-based wiki-type site but struggling to keep the spam down? That's why I built this module.

TOC Text Filter

Example TOC generated.

Simple text filter which can be enabled within a text format to generate a table of contents, placed at the beginning of a field. Useful if you're creating encyclopedia or wiki-like content.

Tiara Bower Manager

Manages frontend dependencies with Bower.

It provides 2 commands

CRUD log

This module Captures and logs all CRUD operations for nodes and taxonomy terms, "create", "read", "update" and "delete".

Alexa Rank Service

Provides a PHP API service for looking up website rankings through Alexa.

Example Usage:
$alexaRankApi = \Drupal::service('alexa_rank');
var_dump($alexaRankApi->getGlobalRank('')); //returns int(6)

Video Filter Whatchado

Videofilter Watchado Logo

The Whatchado provider was merged into Video Filter Module.

You don't need this extra module any more!

File Dropzone

File Dropzone allows adding drag and drop uploads to every file or media field, it also coordinates different ajax requests and streamlines the UX.


Full Contact” module fetch social profile links from the Full Contact based on user email, and display the links under user profile in the Social tab.

DB Index

This module provide the user interface to add or drop the database Table indexes for the Mysql databases.

Taxonomy Menu Alter

This small module adds checkbox to every taxonomy vocabulary form that gives you a possibility to disable menu items for terms that have parent term.

Service Worker

Service Workers are a new browser feature that provide event-driven scripts that run independently of web pages.
