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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Bulk Update Fields

VBO (views bulk operations) was included with core... sort of. This module attempts to bring back bulk field modifications in drupal 8.

The CodeMirror Editor

This module integrates the CodeMirror editor library into Drupal.

At the moment it offers the following features:

Commerce Add To Cart Link

The Commerce Add To Cart Link module extends Commerce product displays with an "add to cart" field as link instead of having an

Twig Debugger

Twig Debugger

Enables Twig Debugging for your website.

Media Library Bulk Upload

This module basically has the same idea as, however it does not use DropzoneJS for the file upload an


Ultimenu flyout with submenu

Ultimenu is the UltimatelyDeadSimple megamenu ever with dynamic region creation.

An Ultimenu block is based on a menu.
Ultimenu regions are based on the menu items.
The result is a block contains regions containing blocks, as opposed to: a region contains blocks.

This is no longer a new concept. It is also seen at widget.module with subtle difference.

The module manages the toggle of Ultimenu blocks, regions, and a skins library, while leaving the management of block, menu and regions to Drupal. At individual Ultimenu block, you can define a unique skin and the flyout orientation.

External Hreflang

This project allows adding alternate hreflang for external sites
(not languages in Drupal).


A Bootstrap Carousel image with text


Bootstrap Carousel module provides a very easy way to make carousels, based on bootstrap-carousel.js.


Toc.js settings per content type

Toc.js module integrate the jQuery plugin TOC.js into Drupal.

Inline Block Title Automatic

Block content entities in layout builder suffer from a minor UI headache with regards to titles. All block content entities require the "info" field to have a value.

Views Jump Menu

In-use example of Views Jump Menu integrated with Chosen

Views Jump Menu offers a Views display style which lets you choose which field to use as both the label and the destination for each item, and then generates a <select

Files undo remove

Files undo remove

This module is a usability enhancement to a Field API field with uploaded files with cardinality set to unlimited or more than 1.

Page Load Progress

Page Load Progress throbber in action

Page Load Progress sets a screen lock showing a throbber when the user submits a form that triggers a time consuming task.

Webform Multiple File

Webform Multiple File

Module Webform Multiple File provides new Webform component for multiple file uploading.

Drupal-to-Drupal data migration

migrate_d2d provides a framework based on the Migrate API for migrating content from Drupal 5, Drupal 6, or Drupal 7 sites into the Drupal 7 site where it is installed. As of the 2.1 release, It requires Migrate 2.6 or later. Besides addressing contemporary needs to migrate to Drupal 7, it has helped serve as a proof-of-concept for incorporating the migration approach into core as an upgrade path (

Panels Extra Styles

Panels Wrapper: Element style settings


Enable the module to find additional region and pane styles in Panels. Below is a list of those currently included. Please share and contribute your styles! :)

Panels Wrapper

Wrap your panes and regions with unlimited possibilities.

  • Go HTML5! Wrap your content in the newly defined tags.
  • Add custom containers and HTML.
  • Simplify and beautify Panels markup.

Password Have I Been Pwned?

This module checks user passwords using Troy Hunt's excellent Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) service.

Webform Analysis

Table Chart Version

This module is used to obtain statistics on the results of form submissions.

This feature was present on the webform module (7.x).

Piwik pro

Piwik Pro is a free analytics provider. It started out as Piwik, but after a while Piwik is renamed Matomo. Note that Piwik Pro is not the same as Matomo.

Masked Input

Masked Input

Sometimes you need the user to input data in a particular format like a Social Security Number or a standard US phone number.

Views jQFX

Views jQFX is a very basic API for integrating jQuery plugins with views. It does nothing on its own. This and the contrib modules are all for Drupal 7.

The following modules use the Views jQFX api:



Refer to the specific pages for more details. Documentation is in progress. The README files in the modules should be fairly detailed.

Why this is getting ditched
Truth be told views jqfx is nothing more then views slideshow 6.x-2.x ported.
It existed to fill a gap. It was there to do things that were not possible at the time. It's time is now over.

My intention is to create kick A modules for imageflow (it's done and it kicks) and cloud carousel (not done yet).

The other jQFX modules are just redundant.

Possible Plan

Create a new module that allows users to utilize virtually any jquery library.
