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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Code per Node

Screen shot 2011-01-06 at 2.32.34 PM.png

Code per Node makes it possible to add custom CSS and Javascript per node, per content type, per block, and globally. The code is stored in the database, but served from the file system. It also supports syntax highlighting with CodeMirror.

CPN was covered by a recent webinar by Mediacurrent: (this is also mentioned in DrupalEasy podcast 120)


This modules provides RabbitMQ integration with Drupal's queuing system. The module requires the php-amqplib library to run.


Your favourite feature didn't made it into 8.0.0? Don't be sad, get it into 8.1.x and use it today as part of the backports module!

jQuery UI filter


The jQueryUI filter converts static HTML to a jQuery UI accordion or tabs widget.

Domain Path

Domain Path for a node

The Domain Path module allows the creation of separate path aliases per domain for nodes created using the Domain Access module.

Content Import


Content Import:

This is the simple module which allow an administrator user to import data from a CSV file.

Content Optimizer

Screenshot of Content Optimizer

The Content Optimizer module helps to increase your site’s search engine (e.g. Google) rankings by improving on-page optimization factors and insuring your content conforms to Drupal SEO best practices. It enables a quick SEO analyzer that provides instant analysis of any site content as a quick and easy guide to assure SEO best practices are consistently followed. The analysis displays vital content statistics and recommendations for improving search engine rankings.

Watch the Content Optimizer screencast demo

Leveraging the Content Analysis API it provides multiple interfaces to quickly analyze any page on your Drupal site (or any page on any website for that mater):

  • Node edit– enables you to optimize content while adding or editing nodes without having to leave the node edit form or saving the node. (node edit demo)
  • Block – Provides a block to search optimize any page on your site including themed nodes, views, panels and coded pages. (block demo)

Commerce Extra

Commerce Extra Login Page

Commerce Extra module allows site builders to enable extra features or improvements which are missing from Drupal Commerce core. The module is a collection of minimal submodules which some of developer might not consider worth of a full project and therefore are added into this module.

New features are welcome! Please post your feature requests into issue queue! If you're developer and don't want to create a full project for small tweak, this is the right place.

The module is work in progress and should not be installed into any production site.

See video screencast about this module made by Pedro Cambra from Commerce Guys.

Feature/improvement overview

  1. Improve checkout by pre-populating customer profile information's addressfield. Needs an address field for user entity. See also Commerce Addressbook for similiar functionality.
  2. Add extra step where user may login, but doesn't require it.
  3. Improve quantity field by wrapping it with decrease/increase button links.


This module helps you to bypass federal law 152 in Russian Federation.

Contact Formatter

Contact Formatter - Manage entity display

This module adds a field formatter to display a rendered Contact form from Drupal 8 core's Contact module using an entity reference field on an entity.

Views TimelineJS integration

Example of TimelineJS.

This module adds a new style plugin for Views which renders result rows as TimelineJS slides and eras.

Block Type Templates

Drupal 8 core does not provide support for theme suggestions for custom block type Twig templates.

Background Images

Background images is a collection of modules that allows users to add background images to html elements on pages of the site. Three module are included with the project:

Commerce Add To Cart Link

The Commerce Add To Cart Link module extends Commerce product displays with an "add to cart" field as link instead of having an

PDF using mPDF

module logo

Convert HTML pages to PDF documents using mPDF Library. It allows you to generate a PDF document of any node (by default) but possibilities are endless - you only need a valid HTML.

Bulk Update Fields

VBO (views bulk operations) was included with core... sort of. This module attempts to bring back bulk field modifications in drupal 8.

The CodeMirror Editor

This module integrates the CodeMirror editor library into Drupal.

At the moment it offers the following features:

Twig Debugger

Twig Debugger

Enables Twig Debugging for your website.

Media Library Bulk Upload

This module basically has the same idea as, however it does not use DropzoneJS for the file upload an

Popup field group


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.
Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.

Display Field group as a Popup.

Simple Mega Menu

Simple Mega Menu module provide a easy way to build mega menu. This module does not attempt to generate a finished mega menu, which can then be difficult to customize.

Panopoly Images

Provides common image styles and helps make them responsive!
