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BxSlider - Views slideshow integration


* Preview - Examples - Showcase of functionality *

BxSlider carrousel preview
BxSlider callbacks example


This module provides integration with bxSlider


  • Carrousel integration with Views & Views slideshow
  • BxSlider integration

Requirements & Links to useful resources


  • bxslider
  • carrousel, carousel
  • slideshow
  • views slideshow

How to

  1. Install the required modules (See Requirements above !)

Drupal Commerce Extra Price Formatters

This is an add-on module for Drupal Commerce that provides additional options when displaying the formatted price in your store.

By default, Commerce allows you to format the price as:

  1. Raw amount
  2. Formatted Amounts
  3. Components

You can override the theme of these formatters, but this module gives you a way to control the formatting of your price display via the UI.

Extra Price Formatters Implemented So Far

RRP / Your Price

Allows you to display the Retail Price and the User Price for a product and optionally the amount the customer will save.
Allows you to switch the display back to a single price if there is no discount available on a particular product.

Formatted Price with Prefix and Suffix

Allows you to present a price in the style just £9.99 ex VAT or only £9.99 for a limited time only

Formatted Price with no decimal places

When you are selling items with whole unit prices, you don't necessarily want to see £10.00. This formatter lets you change the display to show £10. (use this with care!)

Please let me know if there are other price formatter combinations you would like to see.

There's a video demo here:


Provides a bridge to use Flysystem as Drupal stream wrappers.

From the Flysystem website:

Taxonomy Title

This module was designed to update the heading tag at the top of the taxonomy term page. The contents of this H1 (or sometimes H2) tag are *extremely* important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). People interested in SEO may prefer to add more user-friendly, keyword-rich, and descriptive words to this heading element.

Replicate paragraphs

Replicate Paragraphs Extends Replicate module to manage the cloning of paragraphs_item entities and fields.


Typogrify.module brings the typographic refinements of Typogrify to Drupal.

  • Wraps ampersands (the “&” character) with <span class="amp"></span>.
  • Prevents single words from wrapping onto their own line using Shaun Inman's Widont technique.
  • Converts straight quotation marks "" to typographer's quotation marks “”, „“ or «» using SmartyPants language dependent.
  • Converts multiple hyphens to en dashes and em dashes (according to your preferences), using SmartyPants.
  • Wraps multiple capital letters with <span class="caps"></span>.
  • Wraps initial quotation marks with <span class="quo"></span> or <span class="dquo"></span>.
  • Adds a css style sheet that uses the <span> tags to substitute a showy ampersand in headlines, switch caps to small caps, and hang initial quotation marks.
  • Inserts ligatures (if supported by platform and browser).
  • Replaces ascii arrows with unicode arrows (if supported by platform and browser).
  • Inserts thin-space in abbreviations.
  • Groups digits in large numbers.
  • Replaces = in words with a soft hyphen (&shy;), to allow hyphenated line-breaks.

SMS Framework


The SMS Framework is a set of modules enabling interaction between Drupal and mobile users via SMS. The included API allows developers to add support for third party gateways, and integrate gateway-agnostic SMS features in your projects.

Commerce Ajax Cart

Commerce Ajax Cart

Commerce Ajax Cart should be the successor of UC Ajax Cart.

Simple Image Rotate

Simple image rotation settings in image field setting

A very simple module to enable image fields for rotation. It will display a small Clockwise icon with uploaded image in node creation form.

Contact Reply-To

If you enable this module, the "From" address on contact emails, both site emails via the contact form and user-to-user emails via the member contact form, will be "From" the email address configured in site_mail (admin/config/system/site-information in d7). The reply-to header will be set to the address that Drupal would have used as the From address.

Note that Drupal 8 has this feature in core, so this module is not needed in D8.

This avoids many spam-classification issues. Many, many mail handlers will classify as spam a mail that comes from an unauthorized location, as this is spoofing. What Drupal does by default is spoofing...

Dreamhost actually *prevents* the sending of Drupal emails in many cases. This module should resolve that problem, but it's a problem elsewhere almost everywhere the Drupal contact form is used.

If you don't mind using a 3rd party service and have a nontrivial site, you'll probably enjoy the mandrill module and service. If you're on Dreamhost shared hosting, though, it probably means you have a trivial site to maintain and Mandrill would be overkill and additional complexity.

CKEditor: Text Transform

A very simple module which provides transforming selected text to new cases. You can transform selected text to uppercase, lowercase or simply capitalize it.

OpenAPI for REST

Open API

Integrates with the base Open API module to generate the definitions for core REST.



module cctags - as an alternative to module tagadelic.

Taxonomy Image

The taxonomy_image module allows site administrators to associate images with taxonomy terms. With the association created, an admin can then make a call to 'taxonomy_image_display()' from their theme or other PHP code to display the appropriate image.

The module allows the admin to create a one-to-one term-to-image relationship. With image display recursion, it is also possible to create a many-to-one relationship. This is useful if creating taxonomy hierarchies in which an entire tree of terms will use the same image. With recursion enabled, you only need to associate an image with the tree parent, and all children will automatically inherit the same image.


  • Image configuration happens within existing admin/taxonomy menu structure.
  • Admins can add custom tags to <img> markup when displaying images.
  • Allows one-to-one term-to-image relationships.
  • Allows many-to-one term-to-image relationships.
  • Admin-permitted users can disable the images.
  • Administrators can force images to be a standard size.
  • May use the ImageCache module if it is available.
  • Works with Views.
  • Utilizes core and taxonomy.module APIs.
  • Small module with specific, focused functionality.

Require on Publish

This module allows fields to be required only when the piece of content is being published or is already published. This can be used when you have fields such as tags or SEO information on

Domain Theme Switch

Domain Theme Switch

Domain Theme switch

Domain Theme Switch module for Drupal 8+ community users.

Simple Cron

Simple cron jobs list

The Simple Cron is a light-weight module for cron job management.

Link Icon

Link icon preview

The Link icon module is a simple link field formatter to create icon classes based on a predefined set of link titles.


This module provides integration for the jQuery FooTable plugin for creating responsive tables. The FooTable plugin allows wide tables to appear as usual on large displays but on smaller screens it can hide certain columns within expanding and collapsing rows.

Time Range


Time Range

Provide the form widget to fill in the time range. This is just a change to the display form, so that the user doesn't need to enter too much content.

Profile Split Enable

This module allows you to dynamically enable and import configuration from a config split, based upon the currently enabled installation profile.

It also allows you to install Drupal from a custom installation profile, overriding the profile that is set in the default core.extension.yml file.
