Add functionality and customize your Drupal application with thousands of projects contributed by our amazing community.

10,034 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Push Framework

DANSE and Push Framework

Pushing content from within a Drupal site to users over various external channels in a configurable and orchestrated context is important to provide more interaction with users and customers then t

Sector 9.5.x to 10 Legacy pack

This module is required to upgrade from Sector 9.5.x to the Sector 10 distribution

GreenSock Animations

Module to integrate the GSAP library with Drupal.
For Drupal 9 and 10!

Queue Order

Get the additional advantage of Queue API of Drupal core.

Composite Reference

The Composite Reference module allows users to mark entity reference fields as composite.

Sweet Alert 2

Integrates the Sweet Alert 2 JavaScript plug-in to a modern replacement for JavaScript's alert with beautiful themed alerts.

Search API Decoupled

The module offers a Search API display plugin for flexible search result presentation, enabling decoupled search experiences with configurable endpoint blocks supporting autocomplete and facets.

Cookie Content Blocker D10

NOTE This is now obsolete as the cookie_content_blocker module has been made Drupal 10 compatible

IOC: Internet Of Contributors

ioc is a collection of modules and configurations to enable decentralized collaboration.

Microsoft Teams Update Notifier

This module sends notifications to the Microsoft teams application when a new Drupal core update is available on your website.
A cron job is used for processing.

Watchdog Filtering


This module allows you to filter your watchdog messages based on severity level. It can also deduplicate the watchdog messages.

Ckeditor SelectAll

This plugin adds a 'Select All' toolbar button which makes it possible to select the entire contents of the document, It makes it easier.

Migrate Source Directory

Use a directory of files as the source for a migration.

Common use cases include:

Scan code

scan process

This module define extention for field form text widget.
This extension allow the site builder to add possibility to scan barcodes.

Project is based on - submodule barcode_scanning.

Image Base64 Formatter

This module simply provides a formatter for image fields that prints the image encoded with base64.

Responsive Image Formatter Tools

Responsive Image Formatter Tools is a collection of Drupal services, Field Formatters and Twig functions that can be used to fine tune the responsive image handling on the site.

Markdown Index

Generates an index of markdown files and the ability to view them.


HighchartTable logo

Don't shoot us, it's another charting module!

There are certainly many charting modules available, including ones also implementing the Highcharts library. However as far as the maintainers*) are aware, this is the only one that also takes advantage of the special functionality of the HighchartTable jQuery library.

That makes this module unique for the following reasons:

  • You can insert a chart above any numeric HTML table on any page with a single click. Whether the table was embedded into normal content using a WYSIWYG editor (CKeditor perhaps), produced by a Views plugin, a Webform results summary, it doesn't matter.

Taxonomy Widget Plus


This module provides a custom widget for taxonomy term reference field that:
