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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Lightning API

Lightning API provides a standard API with authentication and authorization that allows for easy ingestion of content by other applications.

Decorative Image Widget

screenshot of image widget form with the new "decorative" checkbox checked

This module provides a solution for site builders that want to make the option of leaving an image's alternative text blank explicit (by checking a new "Decorative" checkbox) rather than <

Node view count

Node View Count module allows to count node views. Unlike statistics module, this module records each view of node with user uid and timestamp.

Search API AZ Glossary

Drupal 8 branch

This is a complete rewrite of the old D7 module. It is shiny and packed full of new features.

Layout Builder Symmetric Translations

This module provides the ability to translate the block labels and inline blocks that are added in the Layout Builder. Currently the module only handles Layout overrides.

Add Content by Bundle Views Area Plugin

This module improves on core's "Empty Node Frontpage behavior" area plugin (used in headers and footers) when used on views that show a restrictive set of content types (e.g.

Views Exposed Form Fieldset

This module provides options to render exposed filters and exposed sorts fields in fieldsets.

Business Rules

The Business Rules module is inspired on Rules module and allow site administrators to define conditionally actions execution based on events.

References dialog

This module extends reference fields like the user and node reference fields by adding links to add, edit and search for references through a dialog.

Multi-value form element

UI example

Provides a multi-value form element that wraps any number of form elements.
The wrapped elements will be repeated based on the cardinality specified on the wrapper.

Video Embed HTML5

This module add support for embedding HTML5 videos into your website using Video Embed Field

Media PDF Thumbnail

The module provides an image field formatter for the thumbnail field of Media entities.

Ajax Blocks

Permits to load some blocks by additional AJAX request after loading the whole cached page when the page is viewed by anonymous user. It is suitable for sites which are mostly static, and the page caching for anonymous users is a great benefit, but there are some pieces of information that have to be dynamic.


Counter in Action!

Counter module counts how many visitors on your website. This module provides real time counting. All data saved to database.


A generic color-coding API.

Used by FullCalendar Colors.

More information and documentation to follow.

Field placeholder

Field Placeholder module gives support to add HTML5 placeholder attribute to field widget forms.

Webform Content Creator

This module provides the ability to create content entities after submitting webforms, and to have mappings between the fields of the created content entity and webform submission

User Points

My points page of a user

This module provides a system for users to gain or lose points for performing certain actions on your site, providing an incentive for users to participate in the site and be more active.

In conjunction with other modules, such as the Drupal Rules module, users can accumulate points for actions such as posting nodes, commenting or moderation duties.

Use one of the many contributed modules to extend the functionality of the module to include point accumulation on page views or votes, upgrade roles based on point balance, or purchase goods from your store.

SAML SP 2.0 Single Sign On (SSO) - SAML Service Provider


SAML 2.0 SP Single Sign On (SSO) - Service Provider allows users residing at a SAML compliant Identity Provider to log in to your Drupal website. We support all known IdPs – Google Apps, ADFS, Azure AD, Okta, Salesforce, Centrify, Bitium, miniOrange IdP, OneLogin, SimpleSAMLphp and many more
