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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Layout Builder Browser

Frontend example (Default off-canvas dialog)

Enhances the layout builder block selection UX by adding:


This very simple module adds a checkbox to the menu item edit form and allows the admin to add html to the menu item title.

Entity Rules

Entity Rules provides a page for selecting and creating Rules components that will be executed when different operations happen to an Entity of a particular bundle. This provides an alternative method of triggering Rules. Instead of adding entity related events to Reaction Rules you are able to select which Rules will fire from the bundle management page.

Currently the operations supported are create, update, delete, validation and form access. You are also able to pass different arguments to the Rules per bundle.

This module allows users you don't have access to the Rules UI to select Rules to be triggered for bundles that they can manage. This can be useful for module such as Entityforms, Entity Registration, and Entity Construction Kit.

Video Intro

For example usage see the Entity Rules Node Limits sandbox project. This creates 4 Form Access rules.

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Collapse Text

Front-end full node view with examples of collapsible sections.

The Collapse text module is an input filter which allows sections of content to be made collapsible (like on editing forms).
For example, a common use case is the creation of a FAQ page, with a list of questions, with each answer displaying when a question is clicked.

Surround a section of text with [collapse] and [/collapse] to make it collapsible. [collapse] tags can be nested within one another.

The parameters may be combined in (almost) any order.

[collapse class="class-example" title="Collapse Text example"]
This text can be hidden by clicking on the header.

The module provides theming functions and extensive documentation on project's page.


Widget set edit admin

Widgets enables you to centrally manage and configure code snippets on your site such as share and follow buttons or Twitter updates and Facebook like boxes. It implements a user interface that allows you to easily organize and configure various widget elements. Using a UI similar to core’s image styles, elements can be assembled into widget sets which can be reused throughout the site via blocks and other render displays.

The Widgets module is primarily a user interface API and as such includes only generic markup widgets. You can add new custom widgets using the widget definition admin or enable modules that provide widgets. There are several dozen widgets available through the Social media and Service links modules.


  1. Installation. Use standard methods to install the Widgets archive files into your Drupal site. Then go to admin > modules and enable the Widgets module. You will want to install the Social media and/or Service links modules also to provide widget sources.
  2. To display widget sets on your site use the blocks admin at admin > structure > blocks or other method for managing blocks such as Context or Panels. Look for blocks that start with the label "Widgets:" Several pre-built widget sets are provided by the Social media module.

Field Defaults


Field Defaults allows batch updating of default field values to existing content.

Node Edit Protection

Halt! Who goes there?!?!

A very simple JavaScript based protection that will alert a user if they are navigating away from a modified Node Edit form without saving.

Login And Logout Redirect Per Role

Login And Logout Redirect Per Role settings page

Module provides ability:

  • Redirect user (to specific URL) on Log in
  • Redirect user (to specific URL) on Log out
  • Set specific redirect URL for each role
  • Set roles redirect priority
  • Use Tokens in Redirect URL value
  • CAS integration

Link Field Autocomplete Filter


Currently the autocomplete in the Link Field widget always shows content suggestions from all content (node) types.

Block Access

This module adds a set of global permissions for creating, viewing, moving, enabling, disabling and configuring blocks as well as permissions at the individual block level (Drupal 7 only).

Commerce Backoffice

Provides the backoffice functionality present in Commerce Kickstart v2.

Contains three submodules: commerce_backoffice_product, commerce_backoffice_order, commerce_backoffice_content.

Commerce Backoffice Product

Provides a better experience for stores using nodes as product displays for grouping product variations (commerce_product entities).

  • The node/add screen is now split into two tabs, "Create content" (ordinary node types), and "Create product" (product display node types).
  • The products view is now a view of nodes, showing product displays. Contains special exposed filters for filtering by product display type, and product display categories.
  • Uses the megarow pattern to provide a "Quick Edit" link in the view, that shows all product variations for that product display, right underneath the triggering row. The status and price can be modified directly.
  • Modifies the "Content types" screen by adding additional help text for understanding product displays, and adds a column to the table that indicates whether the node type is a product display node type*.

Empty Page

The Empty Page module is a simple empty page solution. It provides an interface that assists in managing "empty" menu callbacks, mostly used for pages that only consist of blocks.

At least once every project, I've needed to create a content-free page. There are times where I don't want to be limited to a views page, and creating an empty node page just seems dirty, since there is a node_load happening (an empty node that I never intend to have any content inside of) that is actually loading "nothing". An example of where empty pages are necessary are things like the home page, or a section landing page where you want several info blocks that you can freely move around if needed.


Entity Form Cancel Button

The Cancel Button module allows site administrators to enable a cancel button on entity forms.

Entity Share

Entity Share is a collection of modules allowing you to share content entities like nodes, taxonomy terms, medias etc. between different Drupal instances.


This module allows the site admin to create custom error pages for HTTP status codes 403 (access denied) and 404 (page not found), without the need to create nodes for each of them.

Social media

Social Media setup wizard

The social media module helps integrate your website with social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+. It provides an centralized way of managing social media profile information and plug-in widgets such as follow and share buttons.

Socialize your site quick start

The fastest way to integrate with social media profiles and start sharing your sites content is to use the Social Media setup wizard. [Watch the video tutorial]

  1. Installation. You will need to install the Social Media and Widgets modules. You can do this three ways:
    • Do a traditional install by downloading all the modules from and follow instructions
    • One click install via the LevelTen Apps Server. You must install the apps connector modules first.
    • Start your site with the Open Enterprise Drupal distribution. The apps server connectors are included - along with a lot of other great stuff.
