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5,926 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Tab Tamer

Tab Tamer is an administration utility that provides easy re-ordering, hiding, and deactivation of tabs. You can also rename tab labels.

Menus attribute

This simple module allows you to specify some additional attributes for menu items such as id, name, class, style, and rel.

You should use this module when

Crumbs, the Breadcrumbs suite

Crumbs calculates breadcrumbs for your site.
It does so by finding the parent of the current page, then the parent of the parent, etc, until it arrives at the home page.

Crumbs comes with a bunch of built-in plugins, that can be individually enabled, disabled and prioritized, and some of which provide further configuration options.

Built-in plugins

Crumbs plugins have two responsibilities: (1) to determine the parent path for a given path, and (2) to determine the title for a specific breadcrumb link.

Built-in plugins exist for: Menu, Taxonomy, Entity reference, Organic groups, Path aliases, Entityreference prepopulate, Text fields, Forum, Commerce checkout, etc.

Besides, there are configurable token-based patterns to find the parent for entity pages per bundle.

As a fallback behavior, it will always try to find a parent by chopping off the last part of the path. And for the link title, the fallback is whatever was specified with hook_menu().

Fine-grained priority control

Most plugin priorities are further subdivided, to allow even more fine-grained control: By menu name (menu), vocabulary name (taxonomy), field name and entity bundle (entity reference), group content type (organic groups), etc.

Link class

Link class widget selection

Link class module provide a new widget form for field type Link. This widget allows editor to add class to fields Link attached to their content.

Recurring Dates Field

Recurring Dates Field provides a field type for Drupal, handling the storage of recurring dates and integrations around them.

Similar By Terms

This Drupal module attempts to provide context for content items by displaying a view block with links to other similar content. Similarity is based on the taxonomy terms assigned to content.


Backport of the Drupal 8 core 'telephone' module as an future-proof alternative to the Phone module.

Content Taxonomy

D7 and Content Taxonomy
The module provides extensions to Drupal's core Taxonomy Term Reference Fields. At the moment, following extensions are available:

  • Parent term selector in the field settings (for options lists)
  • Options for new terms in autocomplete (Autocomplete Deluxe widget supported as well):
    • Allow and insert new terms (default behaviour)
    • Allow and insert new terms into a separate vocabulary
    • Deny any new terms

For migrating from D6, see notes at the end.

This module provides a CCK field type for referencing taxonomy terms.
The fields are independent from vocabulary settings. For every field you can specify following settings:

  • widget type (see list below)
  • general CCK settings (label, description, fieldgroup, weight, single/multiple, required, ...)
  • the vocabulary to use
  • further settings for hierarchical vocabularies, like the depth of the tree or a parent term for sub-trees

Field Hidden

Hidden fields galore.

D8/D9 Field Hidden defines hidden field widgets

<input type="hidden" /> element widgets for these core field types:

  • decimal, float, integer
  • (plain)text, (plain)long text

D7 Field Hidden defines hidden field types

  • (plain)text, (plain)long text
  • integer, decimal, floating-point

Entity Type Clone (Role clone also included)

Entity clone (Block content type, Content, Paragraph, Taxonomy)

Entity Type Clone allows the Administrator to clone Custom Block types, Content types, Paragraphs, Roles, and Vocabularies.


Multiselect Screenshot

The Multiselect module defines a field widget to be used with the following fields types: List fields (text, float, or integer) or entity reference fields.

Taxonomy CSV import/export

This module allows you to import or export taxonomy from or to a CSV (comma-separated values) file or with a copy-and-paste text.

It helps you to quick import a non-standardized vocabulary, for example an old thesaurus, a hierarchical taxonomy or a simple list of children, synonyms, descriptions, weights or related terms to terms. It can be used as a module or as an API with a plug-in mechanism. It can manage internationalized vocabularies with i18n_taxonomy, a submodule of i18n module [Drupal 7 only].

Taxonomy CSV supports drush: you can import/export taxonomies from the command line interface with drush taxocsv-import and drush taxocsv-export.

More informations on Taxonomy CSV import/export are available on the help page in English (7.x version), in English (6.x version) or in French (6.x version). A quick demo is available here, in Dutch.

Paragraph View Mode

Screenshot preseting creation of paragraph

Did you ever run into an issue of creating new paragraph type with the same fields only because it looks a bit different?

Custom Formatters


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.
Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.

The Custom Formatters module allows users to easily create custom Field Formatters without the need to write a custom module. Custom Formatters can then be exported as CTools Exportables, Features or Drupal API Field Formatters.



  • Pluggable editor/renderer engines:
    • Formatter preset
      Create simple formatters from existing formatters with preset formatter settings.
    • HTML + Tokens
      A HTML based editor with Token support.
    • PHP
      A PHP based editor with support for multiple fields and multiple values.
    • Twig
      A Twig based editor provided by the Twig filter module.
  • Supports for all fieldable entities, including but not limited to:
    • Drupal core - Comment, Node, Taxonomy term and User entities.
    • Field collection module - Field-collection item entity.
    • Media module - Media entity.
  • Exportable as:
    • Drupal API formatter via:
      • Custom Formatters export interface.
    • CTools exportable via:
      • Custom Formatters export interface.
      • CTools Bulk Export module.
      • Features module.
  • Live preview using real entities or Devel Generate.
  • Integrates with:
    • Coder Review
      Review your Custom Formatter code for Drupal coding standards and more.
    • Contextual links (Drupal core)
      Adds a hover link for quick editing of Custom Formatters.
    • Display Suite
      Format Display Suite fields.
    • Features
      Adds dependent Custom Formatters (from Views or Content types) to Feature.
    • Form Builder
      Drag'n'Drop interface for builder Formatter Settings forms.
    • Insert
      Exposes Custom Formatters to the Insert module.
    • Libraries API and the EditArea javascript library
      Adds real-time syntax highlighting.
    • Token
      Adds the Token tree browser to the HTML + Tokens engine.


Google Map Field

Editing contents (D8)

This module allows content creators/maintainers to add maps to content via the addition of a "Google Map Field" field type that can be added to content types.

Field tools

A collection of useful UI tools for working with fields.

Lightning Layout

Lightning Layout provides modules and configuration for great layout authoring experiences. It uses core's Layout Builder to enable a drag-and-drop experience when laying out pages.

Vocabulary Description Length

This small module modifies the taxonomy_vocabulary_form to convert the description field type from a textfield to a textarea.

Unlimited Number Field

Standard field with user defined field title and description.

Adds a custom render element and field widget allowing the user to choose "Unlimited" or a number value.

Taxonomy Term Depth

Depth property

This module adds crucial property called "depth" which indicates the term depth with a value 1, 2, 3 and further if needed. It automatically changes taxonomy term depth on save or update.

Views Menu Node Children Filter

Display node with children nodes

The Views Menu Children Filter module adds a contextual filter to Views for
showing child nodes of a specified parent node in the menu system. It also adds

Menu Editor


Menu Editor enhances the menu editing form with inline text fields for title, path and description, and provides placeholders for new items.

This way, it reduces the number of page visits needed to create a site's menu structure, and eliminates the need for dummy nodes.

Menu editor attempts to unify content creation and menu editing, solving the same problem as


Inline text fields for title, path and description: In each row you get inline text fields for title and link path. This means, you don't need to go to a new page any more to edit the title or destination of a menu item!

Tabindex: The tab index is modified to skip the annoying checkbox fields ("Enabled", "Expanded", "Delete").
