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Drupal 8 upgrade evaluation

Start page

The automated audit from D6 and D7 to D8 migration.

For what the module"Drupal 8 upgrade evaluation" is intended?

  • Upgrade Check module allows quickly estimate Drupal project for migration to Drupal 8.
  • Versions of the module are available for Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 versions.
  • Module analyzes project compatibility, prepares data and shows a detailed report on the service site.

Page Cache Query Ignore

Page Cache Ignore query parameters improves the performance of the page_cache
module by removing client side variables from the cache key.

Revision Deletion

This modules enables the ability to mass delete aging node revisions. Possible settings include node type, the age of node revision before being deleted, along with a cron frequency setting.

Views Accelerator

A computer-generated image of the $19 million Bloodhound SSC that is designed to shatter the world record with speeds over 1000 mph.

For those not reading the full project page or the README: this module improves speed by rendering Views fields simpler and more efficiently. If you find that after turning the accelerator on for a view, fields don't render quite as expected and the tips in the README don't help, then you should switch the accelerator off for that view.

Views Accelerator can bring about significant speed improvements on sites with views that cannot be cached normally, for instance because the views depend on an aspect of the visitor's session, like their location.
Views Accelerator serves up two modes of operation.

  • Analysis mode:
    Switched on from the module's configuration page, admin/config/system/views-accelerator, this displays at the top of the screen a performance summary for each view on the page. If performance is already great, tell your boss or customer. If it isn't, take a screenshot of the performance summary and proceed with the
  • Accelerator mode:
    On views that could do with a boost, find and click the Caching option link in the Advanced section of the Views UI. It will reveal a new pseudo-caching option: None. Post-execution optimized by Views Accelerator. Select that. Revisit the page with the view(s) and compare performance stats to the screenshot you took earlier. Win? Then tell your boss or customer.

Trusted Reverse Proxy

A simple module designed to run on sites that are known to operate in environment(s) behind known trusted reverse proxies. This module presently performs a number of specific tasks:


DeferJs module is based on a tiny library deferjs.


About Borealis Suite

Borealis is a suite of modules designed to assist in the implementation and building of semantic HTML5 and responsive projects in Drupal. The first module, Borealis Responsive Images, is an integrated solution for responsive images in Drupal. The second module, Borealis Semantic Blocks, adds a basic, more semantic block template and allows the user to choose more semantic, HTML5 block templates for each block. As more modules are needed, they will be added to this project.


A selection of helper functions that come in handy for various small bits and pieces of your site. Currently contains the following functions:

Render Array Block

Pushes a block onto a supplied render array. Function call is borealis_render_array_block($render_array, $module, $delta). The Render Array will be passed by reference, the module and delta variables are the same you would use to get a block using block_load

AJAX Settings Save

Saves the value of the triggering element to a Drupal variable. Requires the following to be set in your form:

In Your Form

$form['borealis_key'] = array(

Clear Specific Cache

Option in drop-button.

The Clear Specific Cache module will help you to clear the cache of sole/specific entity type (i.e block, node, views block, view page, etc.) from contextual links, local task menu

Resource usage meter

Adds to HTTP headers of a response the performance data of the request not only
as the actual execution time in seconds (rtime), but also the utime and

  • rtime represents the total duration of the response generation process.

  • utime represents the actual CPU time, exclusively spent on processing only
    the PHP code of the current request, excluding other background processes.

  • stime represents the CPU time spent on kernel processes like disk read/writes
    and other IO operations.

More information:

Additionally, it shows the memory usage and the disk read (inblock) and write (oublock) operations.

An example of the HTTP headers output of a response:

PHP Preloader

Preloader script

Generate a preload script for PHP 7.4's opcache.preload setting.


Improves the performance of the JSON:API module by cache warming your resource types.

This project requires Drupal 8.8.

Memory limit policy

Memory limit policy is a base module to override the default php memory_limit based on various constraints.


Integrates Anime.js, is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API.

The Anime is a module that aims to integrate Anime.js library with Drupal. Provides JavaScript animation engine, Improve site interactivity with awesome animations.

Varnish Purge Tags Override

This module solves a real-world problem that can occur when using varnish_purger module and its submodule varnish_purge_tag

Mongo Content Entity Type

This module allows you to store content entities in a MongoDB database.

Health Checker

This module provides a simple health check page to use as an endpoint for site monitoring services. The health check can be configured to run under any path, such as /health-check (the default setting), or /site-up, and will respond with a JSON formatted string that can be configured to include the timestamp.

Cache Utility

Cache Utility module provides an ability to view status and flush various caches in three ways:

Boost Cache Cleaner

Boost Cache Cleaner

Boost cache cleaner flush (delete all the static boost cache pages) when any update occurs in drupal core. Example node update, insert or delete.

Search Index Options

This light-weight module extends the core Search module's functionality by providing a new admin configuration to exclude content types and individual nodes from search indexing.

Purge Invalidation Form


This module directly invalidate an item without going through the Purge queue.

Cloudflare Purge

Cloudflare admin form

The process of manually purging cached resources for Cloudflare from a Drupal site utilizes the Guzzle HTTP client as opposed to cURL.

Acquia Analytics Redirects

This is a small utility module that complements Acquia's Varnish page caching implementation.

CloudFront Purger

You can use AWS CloudFront as a reverse proxy in front of your whole Drupal site.
