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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Breadcrumb Tweaks

Accessory module intended to improve UX and a11y of breadcrumb links.

Current features:

Active Link Formatter


Active Link Formatter provides a custom Formatter for Link field types. Once it is enabled and configured, it adds the "is-active" class to the link in case the current URL matches with the one set on it.

Style Selector

Style Selector color picker

Create color or style selection widgets that provide a visual preview of the list of allowed values (instead of a list of color/style names).

Style Selector includes two custom field types (Color List and Style List) for fieldable entities, as well as a Form API element for use in custom forms.

🚀 Quick Start

Enable the included Style Selector Demo sub-module, then visit the settings form at Administration > Configuration > User interface > Style Selector for examples of what Style Selector can do and how it works.

Drupal 10.2.0 Regression

A regression introduced in Drupal 10.2.0 affects Style Selector. The issue is resolved in the 10.2.1 release, or with this patch (based on the core issue MR) for 10.2.0.

See #3410749: Incompatibility with Drupal 10.2 new fields setup? for details.

Font Field Icon


This module will add "Font field icon" new field type to the site.
It consists of two elements – “Select” dropdown with Fontawesome icon selection and a Text field for link display.

Entity Timeline

Display combined user activity from multiple entity types in timeline fashion. Plugin manager allows the inclusion of additional content entity types.

Easy Zoom

Add's Image Zoom functionality to image fields

Field Collection Bulkupload

Images being bulk uploaded into field collection

Provides a way to bulkupload (using plupload) files into a filefield / imagefield located inside of a field collection.

Field UI permissions

This module provides independent permissions for managing fields attached to each type of entity.


Provides map displays and proximity search (with search_api).

Action Queue

The Action Queue module allows you to schedule actions on specific entities.

Major features include:


Provides a simple Intense image field formatter. A stand alone javascript library for viewing images on the full screen.

Paragraphs Table of Contents

screenshot of page with nested paragraphs and matching table of contents


If you have long pages on your site, then it helps visitors if you can provide in-page navigation, or a table of contents.

Relevant Content

What is it?

This module provides a block which lists relevant content. This is done using Presets to provide configuration to filter for specific content types and vocabularies and to limit the maximum size. The result are a list of nodes which the module considers most relevant based on the categorization of the current page. This is achieved by finding other nodes which contain the most amount of taxonomy terms in common.

The older Drupal 6 module provided this as Block and a CCK Field Type, however given the direction Drupal is taking with Layout Builder I have currently opted to for just a Block. Each preset is its own exportable configuration entity so can be exported and managed through Configuration Management. Each Preset gets its own block you can place.

Node Comment Subscribe

This module helps users to get email notifications when a comment is posted based on a subscription. Here are the steps for installation:

RSVP Module

RSVP Module allows your site visitors to have an RSVP option available on event nodes so that you can get a list of attendees. Including their contact information and the event they are attending.
