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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Message Token Filter

This module provides an input filter that replaces tokens for Message entities.

File Extra Tokens

Provides file object tokens from URI or URL tokens.

Requires File Entity module.

Facebook Long-Lived Token

Converts short-lived user token into long-lived for Drupal for Facebook module. Expands user sessions for two months.

Formatted Field tokens

The Formatted Field tokens module has been superseded by the Field tokens module, however the format of the Formatted Field token has not changed

Token Entity Render

Provides tokens ([entity_type:render:view_mode_name]) that render full entities using view mode specified.

Token Actions Extras

The Token facility also provides token actions which can be used in Views Bulk Operations and Rules.

OAuth2 API Tokens

This is a simple module which uses OAuth2 Server to provide API tokens.

Field collection Tokens


This module allows administrators to define custom tokens for any field_collection fields on their nodes.

Tokens All

Thanks to ultimike

Tokens All allows you to use any value on a Drupal entity(a user, a comment, a term, etc.) as a token.

Commerce Order Weight Token

Adds the total physical weight of a commerce order as a token to the commerce-order token type.

Auto Login URL Tokens


Interface that lets you create auto login URLs that are available as tokens, that you can use everywhere tokens apply, such as mass emailing.


This module is no longer supported.

Taxonomy breadcrumb token


Core and contrib tokens already do a great job in providing precious meta information on Drupal entities. However, creating a hierarchical breadcrumb from the root term down (or up) to and especially including the current term with a single token is impossible unless you wanted to create custom code snippets as a workaround.

This module is intended to fill just this gap as handy as possible and thus introduces two additional term related tokens:

  • [term:breadcrumb]
  • [term:breadcrumb-reverse]

Where the first one returns an array starting with the root term, the latter starting with the current term.


All you need is:

  • Enable core taxonomy module (you would not be here without that!)
  • token module

Quick reference

Just enable the module and create some tokenizable content. You will find the two new tokens in the token browser, supporting all array-related options the token module offers.


If you have a hierarchichal vocabulary like this one:

+- Grocery
   +- Vegetables
   +- Fruits
   |  |
   |  +- Apples
   |  |
   |  +- Pears
   +- Drinks

Support Token

Support Token provides Token tokens support for tickets created with the Support module.

Pager Tokens

This simple module provides tokens for Canonical URL([current-page:url:with-current-page-number]), Previous page URL([current-page:url:with-previous-page-number]) and Next page URL([current-page:ur

User Relationship Mailer Token

User Relationship Mailer with Token support

User Relationship Mailer Token is a companion module to the User Relationships module. It will (conditionally) send email notifications regarding relationship creation/removal/approval/disapproval/cancellation.

This module was based upon the User Relationship Mailer module that comes bundled with User Relationships, but it differs in a few ways.

  • Replacement patterns use the Token module.
  • Full support for Content Profile fields as tokens.
  • Support for ImageCache file paths as tokens.
  • Wysiwyg text editor support to select input types when creating the email message.
  • HTML support for outbound emails created using the Wysiwyg editor.
  • Module configuration is on its own page now rather than mixed in with the UR module settings.

In the case of the author, this module is being used to send "following" emails very similar to what the Twitter following emails look like, with full HTML, photos, follow links, and so forth.

Token Functions

The basic idea is that when one defines the token they add an addition param of function which is a callback to be used.

Services Token Authentication

This module adds a token authentication method for the Services 3.x branch.

Category tokens

Category tokens expose additional tokens per category that relate to the first and last terms of a node within that specific category.

Especially useful with Pathauto.

Facebook OAuth Tokens Store


This module enables the website to permanently store the access tokens
that the module fboauth retrieves from Facebook when the user grants access
to the application that fboauth is managing.


Once the module is enabled, each user will have a page at /user/UID/fboauth
that allows the user to grant the application all permissions required for all
actions declared in the hook_fboauth_actions implementations.

This allows any module that uses fboauth to use the stored token to perform
calls to facebook's api without having to redirect the user to FB (which is the
behaviour fboauth uses), or even without having any interaction from the user
(ie: from hook_cron).

This is useful when a module wants to perform a call to Facebook on behalf of
a user but it is not possible to use the normal workflow of redirecting the
user to facebook to get a valid access_token.

// Retrieve stored access_token for the current user.
$access_token = fboauth_tokens_get_user_access_token();

// Call facebook api.
$params = array(
  'message' => 'Hello world',
$result = fboauth_graph_query('me/feed', $access_token, $params, 'POST');

The module does not provide any facility to know if the provided token is still

So if your call to fboauth_graph_query() returns an error, your module will be

Token support for user registration mails

The token_registration_mails module enables replacement tokens for user registration mails using the Token module.
