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2,215 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Track file downloads

Track File Downloads is a simple module for tracking downloads (or hits) of private files.

Vegas Background jQuery Plugin

Website sceenshot of the jQuery plugin authors project showcase

Vegas of the awesome Jay Salvat from the Coders in Black community, is one of the most used jQuery plugins to add beautiful fullscreen background images with slideshow-like transitions to your webpages, respecting the viewport and the image ratio with maths to keep up the fullsize effect without skewing and with supporting fades, overlays and many more. The vegas (Vegas Background jQuery Plugin) Drupal contrib module enables the user to use the jQuery plugin for their Drupal project via admin UI.

Drush Cleanup

Drush Cleanup

This utility Drush add-on just deletes text files (not needed but are) packaged with Drupal; files like INSTALL.txt, UPGRADE.txt, README.txt (in multiple places), etc.

VIN Field Provider - Data One Software

This module implements a VIN Field lookup provider for the Data One Software decoding service.


A little Features-based module that kludges the Date project's Date Repeat field to schedule email notifications on a per-user basis. Developers can implement one or more of this module's hooks to specify what is sent. See the included pester_watchdog.module for an example.

Basic usage:

We assume all views take a user ID as their first argument, or accept no arguments. Arrays returned from hook implementations are keyed by user permission; If a user hasn't been granted that permission they won't be sent the output of the corresponding view.

 * Implements hook_pester_views().
function mymodule_pester_views() {
  return array(
    'access content' =>  array(
        'view' => 'myview',
        'display' => 'block', // Defaults to 'default', rather sensibly.
        'weight' => 0, // To order output of multiple views.

This module is intended to be as lightweight as possible (i.e. I'm lazy). If you want to do anything fancy with the output, you'll have to implement one or more Views hooks, eg.:

* Implements hook_views_pre_build().
function mymodule_views_pre_build(&$view) {
if ($view->name == 'myview' && $view->current_display == 'block' && ($user = user_load($view->args[0]))) {


The Drupal Activities module is designed to track and log user transactions for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations within a Drupal website.

Plaats Reservation


Plaats Reservation it the place reservation system for Plaats module.
Allowed reservation by Anonymous and registered users (depend of "permissions").


first need install all dependencies:
"plaats" -
"colorbox" -
"date" and "date_popup" -

Then install as any other drupal module.


First need edit Places and set "Allow reservation" if you want allow reservation
of this place.

Then in block Configuration (admin/structure/block) enable "Reservation Calendar".

Go to "permissions" admin/people/permissions#module-plaats_reservation
and set who can make reservation.

Also need set emails who get notification about new reservation, it can be done
in module configuration admin/config/content/plaats_reservation/email
and check other default option/messages there.

For reservation form can add some additional fields if need in

How it works

Default when user navigate trough page with Plaats list he see no reservation link.
User select the date in "Reservation Calendar" for activate reservation system,
then system will check what Plaats allowed/available on this period

Fill Roles

This module allows to give roles to users from a list of mails or usernames.
You can choose :

GraphQL Webform

A module to integrate webform with the graphql module.

Scheduled Message Module

This module creates a schedule of messages related to a specific entity type/bundle, and sends them on the appropriate day.


Screenshot from the displayed Dudel form.

Important note: I will no longer maintain or provide support for this module (because of a number of reasons).

Facets Form

Exposes facets from a facets source as Drupal Form API elements.

Annotation Chart

Annotation charts are interactive time series line charts that support annotations.

Appointment Calendar

Availability Slot view

Appointment Calendar is a simple form to set and create slots for booking in particular date.

Update form enhancement

Pending updates sample

The update_form_enhancement module enhances update.php user interface by separating modules that are up to date from those that are not.

It uses standard form_alter hook to alter the form that is displayed on second step of update.php script to select modules that need to be updated.

Note about Drupal 7 and beyond: An equivalent feature implemented by this module is already in core, so the life time of this project dies with Drupal 6.

Email scheduler

Email scheduler

Email scheduler version 1.0

This modules allows the configure of email notifications based on user roles.

How do I get this set up?

Sign Up Tracker

A simple module that log user sign up data includes ip address, user agent, date into a custom table.
This data is then exposed to views so you can report on it if required

Blog reactions

Blog reactions

The Blog Reactions module monitors Technorati, Google Blogsearch, Yahoo! Bloglines and Blogato for reactions - trackbacks - on your posts. It displays a date and a short summary and links back to the original reaction on the web.

Advanced Menu

The Advanced Menu module builds upon the Core Menu module to provide additional menu features. These include:

Menu Blocks (7.x-1.1+)

Administrators can remove menu blocks from the block admin page. This allows you to completely disable inactive menus and clean up the block admin page.

Menu Admin by Role

Menus can be administered by users with designated roles. This allows entire menus to be managed by non-administrative users.

Menu Attributes

Adds an expiration date to menu items and disables those items when the expiration date has passed.

Sub-Menus with Menu Merge (7.x-1.3+)

Menus can now be merged into other menus. This allows users with the appropriate permission to add links to other menus which are then displayed as if there were a single menu.

Example One:

Create new role "News Manager"
Create new user "News Editor"
Create new menu "News Releases", Set "News Manager" as an editor for the menu.

When "News Editor" signs in they will see 'Administer', 'Site Building', 'Menus', 'News Releases' in the navigation menu and will be able to modify and update all items on the "News Releases" menu.

Example Two, Building on Example One:

A News Release (pdf) is published to the site and needs to come down at 3AM.


Ask a new question


Answers enables the implementation of a Question & Answer system in a Drupal site. Users can post questions and other users can answer them. To see it at work (based on the most recent 7.x-4.x-dev version), head over to its Demo site and have a look at the Questions there.

Node Singles

Singles are node types used for one-off pages that have unique content requirements

Booking Time Slots

Booking Time Slots 7.x

Module provides Time Slots Booking functionality for various scenarios.

Drupal 7 version allows you to set-up schedule for Venue Facility, so users can book slots (e.g. classes) within specified opening hours. Check the screenshot for details.
