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658 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Link Icon

Link icon preview

The Link icon module is a simple link field formatter to create icon classes based on a predefined set of link titles.

Google Optimize JS

Google has sunset the Optimize product, effective September 30, 2023!


This module is a Drupal Library implementation for the PHPWkHtmlToPdf wrapper and as a result is extremely small because it uses WkHtmlToPdf to do the heavy work.

After lots of frustration and not-close-enough results with other HTML to PDF modules & libraries, I decided to make a Drupal implementation of something I know works extremely well.

This is intended for module developers, nothing is usable from the front-end.

Google Maps: Store Locator

This is a very simple module that provides an entity to add store locations and display via Google Maps.

Auto Block Translate

This module provides the ability to add automatic translations to custom blocks using external libraries.


A 2-factor admin authentication method via jabber
It requires as library

Google YouTube API


Using the Google YouTube API your app can search and/or manipulate your videos on YouTube.

AI Support Bot

Ryan AI answers

To download directly from 

AI Support Bot:

Ryan AI Support Bot needs help just ask Ryan, smart and intelligent, to build your own chatbot.

gpa: Google+ Authentication

A Drupal 8 module which provides users with the option to sign in via Google+.

HTTP/2 Server Push

HTTP/2 Server Push is declared dead on the web

Views Google Gadget Plugin

Google is no longer supporting the iGoogle homepage or associated gadgets. Sorry guys, but it looks like this module has hit the limits of it's lifetime.

Varbase Total Control Dashboard

Varbase Total Control Dashboard screenshot

A dashboard is what's missing for better Drupal administration experience.

This dashboard is built on top of Total Control Admin Dashboard module, utilizing Panels, Google Analytics Reports, and several enhanced blocks and widgets for an intuitive and flexible administration experience.

The idea is made to provide the site admins with an appealing and concise dashboard to become the home of any Drupal site's administration task.

PageRank Widget

PageRank Widget

As of March 7th 2016, Google has removed the public PageRank metric completely. Google is no longer making this metric available to the public at all. See

A block showing the Google PageRank of the site (e.g. PageRank 3).

Optionally modify the widget color, rounded corners and other CSS values by enabling the Style (CSS) Settings module.


GDriving allows users to input an address via a Google Map marker's info window, and displays the Google Map driving directions in a printable facebox overlay.

QR code field

Add dynamic QR code field

This module enables site builders creating dynamic QR code fields and blocks which can contain content based on a content entity they are attached to.

Simplified Social share

Simplified Social Share

Let your users share via their accounts on popular social networks such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Vkontakte and over 50 more.

Context Redirect

Admin interface

This module provides a Context reaction which redirects to a given internal or external url if the context conditions are met.

Google Translate Block

Widget showing with custom theme's CSS

The module provides a block that provides the translation service from Google.

OneAll Social Login

Social Login is a free Drupal module that allows your users to register and login to your Drupal website with their existing accounts from 35+ social networks like

Geofield Images

Example formatting settings

Extends geofield with formatters to display location(s) as a map or as streetview images via Google's Static Maps

Google Store Locator


This project uses Google's Store Locator Utility Library and Google Maps to create a 'Store Locator' page that your site visitors can use to find and get directions to one of your physical stores. It was born out of a need for a simple to install and easy to use locator feature for Drupal 7. This module is different from other 'locator' type modules (e.g. OpenLayers Locator) in that it doesn't require you to have any knowledge of it's dependant modules, and it allows developers to focus on implementing personal customizations quickly because the installation process is so light. Some notable features are:

  • Custom Marker Icons: Upload your companies icon to display it as the marker pins on the map.
  • Location Awareness: If the user decides to share their location with the browser, the map will re-center and zoom in around their physical location

How it Works:
