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51,598 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Ajax loader

The ajax loader module provides you alternatives to the default drupal core ajax throbber. When this module is configured, it overrides the default drupal throbber.

Login Email or Username

This simple Drupal 8 module allows users to log in with either their username OR email address from the same input box on the standard login form (it turns the "name" field into a username OR email

Form Options Attributes

This module adds the ability to specify attributes for individual options on Drupal Form API elements of the types: select, checkboxes, and radios.

Webform Layout

Enabling this module provides new webform element, the layout container. By placing fields inside this container, you can arrange them in a row like this:

HTML5 Tools


HTML5 Tools is a module that allows Drupal sites to be built using HTML5 ... smartly.

Better Social Sharing Buttons

configuration settings

This module generates a block, a node field, and a paragraph field so you can choose how and where you add social sharing buttons on your website with no additional tracker scripts.


There is well-known issue with fast-growing table cache_form. This table stores Drupal form cache and it isn’t cleared when you flush all cache or run cron.

Serial Field

This module provides an auto-increment (serial) field.

Unlike Drupal's built-in auto-increment node ID, which is global and shared by nodes belonging to all content types, serial fields are managed per content type (D6) / entity (D7). For example, the serial field of an Invoice instance will generate a unique sequential number (starting at 1, then 2, etc.) exclusively for Invoice instances.

The allocation of serial numbers by this module is atomic. In other words, the serial values are unique even when multiple instances of the same content type / entity are created simultaneously.

Conditional Stylesheets

Conditional Stylesheets

Internet Explorer implements a proprietary technology called Conditional Comments. While web developers frown upon technologies that aren't cross-browser supported, many CSS developers have found Conditional Comments very useful. They can have cleaner CSS in their normal stylesheets and can fix the broken rendering in IE by placing IE-only CSS inside conditional comments; this technique is even recommended by Microsoft.

Without this module, the only way to have IE conditional stylesheets was to add 37 lines of code (more if you want to add more than one stylesheet) in four horribly-difficult-to-remember function calls to your theme's template.php. Blech. Who wants that?

This module allows Drupal 7 themes to easily add conditional stylesheets to the theme's .info file.

; Set the conditional stylesheets that are processed by IE.
stylesheets-conditional[lt IE 7][all][] = ie6-and-below.css
stylesheets-conditional[IE 9][all][] = ie9.css
stylesheets-conditional[IE][print][] = ie-print.css
stylesheets-conditional[(gte IE 9)|(gt IEMobile 7)|(!IE)][all][] = modern-browsers.css

One Click Upload

Easy way upload files in BUEditor, CKEditor and textarea's.


  • Upload images and insert into editor image code
  • Upload files and insert into editor link code
  • Multi-upload files and images
  • Drag & Drop files to button and textarea (video 1, video 2)
  • Attach uploaded files to field
  • Integration with image styles
  • Editable html templates

Video screencast (in WebM format) with work of module.
Описание модуля на русском языке.

Similar modules

Tab Tamer

Tab Tamer is an administration utility that provides easy re-ordering, hiding, and deactivation of tabs. You can also rename tab labels.

Empty paragraph killer

Inspired by Monty Python's ominous foot. Created by Greg Blackman.

This module protects web layouts by filtering out empty HTML paragraphs, preventing layout issues from excessive carriage returns. It is not related to the Paragraphs module but can be used with it.

Health check

Note from the maintainer

If you need other endpoint than /health, please use the health_check_url module!



The purpose of Spamicide is to prevent spam submission to any form on your Drupal web site. Spamicide adds an input field to each form then hides it with css, when spam bots fill in the field the form is discarded. The field, and matching .css file, are named in such a way as to not let on that it is a spam defeating device, and can be set by admins to almost anything they like(machine readable please). If logging is set, the log will show if and when a particular form has been compromised, and the admin can change the form's field name (and corresponding .css file) to something else.

Noopener Filter

This project adds a filter that enables it to add rel="noopener" to all WYSIWYG added links.

CKEditor CodeMirror

CKEditor CodeMirror module

CKEditor CodeMirror adds syntax highlighting for "Source View" mode in CKEditor in Drupal.

scroll to top


This module uses a jQuery script to provide an animated scroll to top link in the bottom of the node.

Views content cache

Views content cache settings page

This module implements a views cache plugin that is aware of content and can provide caching for views, until the content in those views changes.

Editable Views

Editable Views lets you create Views where the fields can be edited. Fields show both the current value and a form to edit it.

Node clone tab

The node clone module in Drupal 7 adds the clone menu item as an action. If you still want to keep it in the tabs as in Drupal 6.x this module is for you.



Collapsiblock makes all individual Drupal blocks collapsible. To show/hide the content of a block just click on its title.

Layout Builder Blocks

Utilize Bootstrap Styles module plugins to add different styling options for layout builder blocks.
