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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Views Entity Reference Filter


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.

Retina Images

Retina Images adds an option to all image effects included with core to allow them to output high resolution images for high DPI or retina displays.

Workbench Moderation


Workbench Moderation adds arbitrary moderation states to Drupal core's "unpublished" and "published" node states, and affects the behavior of node revisions when nodes are published. Moderation states are tracked per-revision; rather than moderating nodes, Workbench Moderation moderates revisions.

Paragraphs Asymmetric Translation Widgets

This module provides asymmetric translations for Paragraphs

To enable the functionality for the stable widget for paragraphs simple install this module.

404 Navigation

On 404 Not Found error pages, Drupal will skip rendering of all the navigation links of your website for performance reasons*. Some of these include:

  1. The "Primary links" block and any other menu links block.
  2. The Primary links and Secondary links of your theme.

* Unless you have configured a "Default 404 (not found) page" on admin/config/system/site-information.

But many websites find navigation invaluable. Especially on 404 pages, when they want to show lost users how to get to real pages.

So this module simply revives those features on 404 pages. Simply install and enable the module. No configuration needed.

Account field split

User account field split settings example


Currently the draggable field "Username and password" on user profile mashes together:

Moderation Dashboard

Moderation Dashboard screenshot

Moderation Dashboard provides a per-user dashboard that contains useful blocks related to managing moderated content.

PhotoSwipe - Responsive JavaScript Modal Image Gallery

Formatter in action

Use PhotoSwipe to display picture galleries on your Drupal website. This Javascript lightbox library offers very nice mobile browsing features (in particular swiping to the next picture)!

Drupal Mega Menu

WeebPal Megamenu Demo

We would like to build this Megamenu module on Drupal 8/9 for our usage and sharing to community.

Entity Reference Display


This module defines a simple field type for display mode selection for entity reference fields. This allows an editor to select how they would like the references displayed.

Fast 404

What and Why

Drupal has expensive 404 errors. On an 'average' site with an 'average' module load, you can be looking at 60-100MB of memory being consumed on your server to deliver a 404. Consider a page with a bad .gif link and a missing .css file. That page will generate 2 404s along with the actual load of the page. You are most likely looking at 180MB of memory to server that page rather than the 60MB it should take.

That's where Fast 404 comes in. This module combines a very common method of handling missing image/file 404 errors (discussed here and planned for Drupal 8) with a method created by dpardo (a co-maintainer of this project) to deliver super fast 404 error pages for both missing images and bad paths. Depending on which method of implementation you choose (aggressive or super aggressive) you can deliver 404 errors using less than 1MB of memory on your server.

Drupal 7 Core Updates

Drupal 7 core has updated to add a rudimentary version of what this module implements. It allows you to set an excluded set of paths, a list of extensions to Fast 404 on, as well as the plain HTML that is delivered.

Issue describing:
Patch added:

Double Field


What is Double Field?

Double Field is a small module written to provide extensions to Drupal's core Fields. By this module you can split your fields up into two separate parts.

For the moment it includes the following sub-field types:

  • Boolean
  • Text
  • Text (long)
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Decimal
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Date
  • Url

Screenshots (Drupal 7)

Flippy - Previous / Next pager for Nodes

Screenshot settings

Flippy is an ultra-simple module that generates previous/next pagers for content types. On the Node type administration screen, you can turn Flippy on or off

Nivo Slider

Nivo Slider provides an easy and eye-catching way to showcase featured content. Nivo Slider gives administrators three important tools:

  • A simple method of adding slides to the slideshow.
  • An administration interface to configure slideshow settings.
  • Simple slider positioning using the Drupal block system.

Custom Permissions


This very light-weight module allows additional permissions to be created and managed through a administration form. It uses the menu access system to allow or dissalow access to it.

On the administration page a user is able to create a permission with name and path(s).

These permissions can then be assigned to roles on the permissions page.

Features Override

Features Override is used to change (override) existing Features. You may want to use it if:

  • You are installing a feature module that requires this module.
  • You have a site built on features - e.g., an Open Atrium or Commerce Kickstart site - and you want to make changes without losing them when you upgrade to a new version.
  • You are a feature developer looking to selectively override components (Views, content types, etc.) of existing features and export just the changes to code.

Initial 1.x development sponsored by Chocolate Lily. The 7.x-1.x branch was unstable with several reported issues for views (and, likely, panels). That branch has been abandoned with new development occurring in the 7.x-2.x branch (sponsored by Phase2 Technology). Drupal 6 users should continue to use the 6.x-1.x 2.x branch is planned.

NOTE: Overrides exported with version 1.x are NOT COMPATIBLE with overrides exported with version 2.x. If upgrading you should disable the 1.x override, remove the 1.x Features Overrides module, install/enable the Features Overrides 2.x version, then re-export your changes as new overrides.

Drupal 8

For similar functionality in Drupal 8, please see the Config Actions module.


Form Block


Enables the presentation of user registration, site wide contact, or node creation forms in blocks. This is particularly useful for including forms on panels.

Chain Menu Access API

Chain Menu Access API is has no functionality on its own β€” install it only if another module requests it.

The remainder of this page is directed towards module developers:

Chain Menu Access API allows your module to chain its own menu access callback functions into other modules' menu router entries.

Password Separate Form

A request that I got from multiple clients is to have a separate password change form. The current Password mechanism on the User account page is a little bit confusing.

jQuery UI Controlgroup

Drupal 8 includes jQuery UI in core, however it is no longer actively maintained and has been marked deprecated.

Single Content Sync

Export content

If you are looking for a way of migrating your content and deploying them to another environment without manual steps afterward - this module is for you.

Manual Crop

Manual Crop

The Manual Crop module exposes a set of image style effects that enables users, if enabled in the widget settings, to crop (and scale) an image after uploading.

Commerce Stock

Commerce Stock

Commerce Stock module, for Drupal Commerce.
This module provides stock management for Drupal Commerce stores.

jQuery plugins

The jquery_plugin module provides miscellaneous jQuery plugins, which can be loaded from any module or theme by calling jquery_plugin_add($plugin) in Drupal 6 or drupal_add_library('jquery_plugin', $plugin) in Drupal 7. The Drupal 6 version supports jQ, a jQuery plugin registry.

jQuery UI Button

Drupal 8 includes jQuery UI in core, however it is no longer actively maintained and has been marked deprecated.
