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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Git Commit Logs

Git Commit Logs is a simple module which pull git logs (date, author, email, message, hash fields) from the provided git project URL in a node and store them in database against node nid.

Twitter Pull JSON

This is a small module which uses twitter_pull module to obtain data from twitter and output it as JSON.


Provide a browsable common interface for browsing a list a choosing an item.


Bring twitter search results into your site as nodes (content) via feeds module.

  • TODO: Bring in user tweets (like twitter module, but different :-P)

Help Popup

This is a relatively simple help popup module that provides either:

Image URL Filter

This module provides an input format filter to allow you to change base urls of images embedded in content.

Path extender

Simple module which allows look links to nodes, taxonomy terms, pages - with ".html" suffix.
Without using custom path or pathauto path to your node will look like /node/1234.html.

Views Field If-Else

This is a D7 views field, that compares rendered text in an if-statement, and renders a defined text for each clause.

Relation Browser

This module creates a page that lists all of the relations you've created with the Relation module.

Time Entry

Time entry is an entity type for storing time intervals.

Convert to media

This module provide a sample, how to convert nodes contains images inserted via image assists 6.x to 7.x media file entity. This is developed for media module 2.x branch.


Errors is a simple module that allows you to theme the 403 and 404 pages.

Comment Trust

Settings screen

Comment Trust auto-approves comments by users with previously-approved comments.

Nodequeue Context

Provides a CTOOLS context for Nodequeues, allowing users to select a nodequeue as a context parameter for e.g. views


Aloha Editor

Aloha Editor on the node form

This module integrates the excellent HTML5 "true WYSIWYG" editor Aloha Editor) with Drupal.

  • The 7.x-1.x version of this module is the original version of this module. (Also see the history below.)
  • The 7.x-2.x version of this module is developed as part of the Spark project.
  • The 8.x-2.x version of this module is being proposed for Drupal core inclusion. It has feature parity with the 7.x-2.x version.

By installing the Edit module, you will also be able to use Aloha Editor to edit nodes/fields in-place, on the front-end, as well!

This module is under very active development! Hence: no stable releases! When installing: please do read the installation instructions!


Node Reference Highlight

Node Reference Highlight (NRHI) is a module that provides the ability to highlight text in a node body and associate another type of node to it by reference. It provides permission and workflow style logic to allow for the following types of interactivity:

  • Allow role X Y and Z to highlight for reference
  • Allow role X to highlight content created by role Y
  • Allow role Y to highlight all content


Actively in development though early testing of alpha1 is stable and more robust then original 6.x. 7.x no longer needs to demonstrate how to implement the API as two example uses of the API come packaged as add on features. NRHI Glossary is now included in this package and replicates the functionality originally provided in the ELMS Terms module.

It now requires the following contributed modules:

The API has also been expanded to allow for non node reference calls. An example implementation of this can be seen out of the box if you enable the Typo Module.


Flag Cool Note

Flag Cool Note

NOTE: Flag 3.x branch supports entity, but the fields added using manage fields are shown only when flagging content and not when un-flagging content. If you don't want to ask for data when user is un-flagging content, you mostly do not need this module. But using this module will save your few extra tables for each field you create in flag entity :) .

This module integrates Flag with Webform.

This module provides the Drupal administrator to attach a webform to a flag confirmation form, so that when users flag or unflag any piece of content, they can add additional information using the webform.


This module integrates Flag with Webform and completely dependent on Flag and Webform module.


  • The module currently only works with "Confirmation form" link type settings of flag.

Node Bulk Operations

Automatically create and maintain multiple nodes from a template node.

Context Vocabulary


Context Vocabulary provides a context condition reactive to current node taxonomy.

Core context taxonomy condition is per-term basis. This module provides a per-vocabulary condition, means if at least one term of vocabulary A is selected, the context is active.

This module is currently for Drupal 6 only.7.x version is in development, thanks to zhuber


Other Context Plugins

Advanced link filter

This filter parses HTML links (excluding mailto).
