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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

DBLog Booster

This module speeds up Drupal sites by collecting all watchdog entries in memory and writing them on shutdown in one query.

Watchdog Alter

This module adds a hook_watchdog_alter. Used in DBLog Booster.


About SmarTest

SmarTest is a module for improving the testing process in Drupal.


Simply add support for #prefix and #suffix for label elements

Aegir Drush Aliases

DEPRECATED. Please use the module contained in Hosting Tasks Extras (included in Aegir core.)


Flat File Slider

Twitter Bootstrap based professional WordPress carousel slider plugin.
This Plugin is used as a flat file slider - users can Add/Edit/Delete slides and change their display position

OpenLucius LDAP


This module extends the OpenLucius distro with login via LDAP.

ImageMap Formatter

Formats an image field as an image map based on <area> code in a long text field.

Client js error log

Client side JavaScript error logging module allows you to see errors happen on client browser.

To discover problems on server side sometimes quite easy, just check log files (e.g. Apache log) but you do not really know what happen on client side that is like a black box. You can get information based on user feedback if something wrong in the front-end code. This module helps you to keep in touch with your JavaScript code, you will know the possible problems arisen in the users browser. So you can find the problems more easy.

Toggle Overlay

A simple and easy to use Drupal 7 module to render a design image over specific pages.


Drupal toastr is a module providing integration between Javascript toastr library and drupal. It changes status messages to growl like notifications


This module provides basic integration with Qualtrics using Qualtrics' legacy API.

CKE Placeholder

CKE Placeholder screenshot

CKE Placeholder is a plugin module that allows for easy addition of widgets to insert in CKEditor enabled long text fields in a way that is intuitive to the editor and easily themeable for the deve

Custom module boilerplate

Description and instructions are yet to be added.

Meanwhile you can have a look at the GitHub repo.



This module provides integration with the REST API at

It will use your cron tasks to download tags; each user with the right privilege can have one set of delicious tags and links. The administrator can create blocks that can contain links only from a given set of users, a given set of tags, or a combination of both. If enabled, nodes can be scanned for words which match tags and create smart-links, and if enabled, the first vocabulary term of a node can be added as a tag link using that term the tag.

The new hook allows you to modify the terms or users before the query. So, in the example below, the block is changed so that when on a node page, only delicious tags that match the nodes taxonomy are displayed, and when on search page, only delicious tags that match the current search terms are displayed.

State API Ajax Fix

This module provides an alternative to those that does not want to patch the core, but have a temporary fix for

Commerce License Billing

Commerce License Billing provides advanced (prepaid, postpaid, prorated, plan-based, metered) recurring billing for licenses.

Dependencies: Commerce License, Advanced queue, Views Megarow.

Important: You need Entity API 1.3 or newer.

Getting started

  1. Go to admin/commerce/config/license/billing-cycle-types and add a billing cycle type.
  2. Create a product, select a license type, then below select your billing cycle type and billing type (prepaid or postpaid).
  3. Checkout the product. If you selected postpaid as the billing type, your product will be free.
  4. A billing cycle has now been opened (with the current start date, and the end date depending on your billing cycle type settings), along with a matching recurring order.
  5. When the billing cycle expires, the recurring order will be closed and charged for using Commerce Card on File, and a new billing cycle & order will be opened.

Relationship to Commerce License

Any license type can be used for recurring billing without changes.
A license is considered billable if its product has a billing cycle type

If the license type wants to have metered billing, it must implement the
CommerceLicenseBillingUsageInterface interface.

UTF8MB4 Convert

Drush command that converts existing MySQL UTF8 databases into UTF8MB4.

Plugnpay Payment


Integrates the Plugnpay gateway by providing a payment method for the Payment module.
