Add functionality and customize your Drupal application with thousands of projects contributed by our amazing community.

51,598 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Activity Stream Entity

Update of the activitystream module to use its own entity instead of nodes.

Migrate Source Dir

A Migrate Source Plugin to import files from a directory path in to Drupal Files.

Plugin Definition:

Quick Starter Kit (QSK)

This module provide you a minimum module and settings configuration in the composer way.

You just have to run


The Endorsements module allows users to endorse each other.

Ajax Webform

This module adds AJAX support to Webform for Drupal 8.

Time Converter

This project contains experimental code.
It creates a new date field formatter with time converter functionality.

Eloqua HTTP APIs

Integration module for Eloqua's HTTP based APIs.

Site Test

Test classes diagram

The Site Test module is an extension of the Drupal core SimpleTest module for running site-specific tests in-place on an active Drupal installation.

Lingotek Files

A module to make Lingotek handle file entities along with the node.


Monfis is a very simple but effective module for monitor status change in files.
This module solved a very common issue of tracking the status of files.

Commerce Account Balance


The Commerce Account Balance is a module that enables a -per user- account balance to which you can deposit money and which you can use for purchasing things on your website.

Better autocomplete tags

Better autocomplete tags

This module provides better styles for autocomplete tags widgets using Bootstrap Tags Input and

Farm Asset

This module has been merged into farmOS. All future development will take place in


We are working on paragraph bundles using viewmodes and modifiers…
More info soon!

Field label plurals D8

Allows you to set different field labels for singular and plural, depending on the number of values.

Disable "Delete Account Content" option

This is a very simple module that does only one thing:
Disables/removes the option "Delete the account and its content." when cancelling a

DevShop Stats

This module is used simply to provide usage statistics for the OpenDevShop project.

DRD Agent Library

DRD Logo

This is just a place for the phar libraries that are required by DRD and DRD Agent.
