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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

PayPal Simple Subscription

PayPal Simple Subscription

This module allows you add a subscription to any content (any entity) as a normal content field.

Suggest Similar Titles

Suggest similar titles is module to avoid duplication of titles for all content types. At node add page when you are done with title, this module compares node titles of same content type and suggest you that one title matching with this title already exists in database. This helps the admin/user to avoid duplication of content at site. Admin can define what percentage of matching words should be suggested as duplicate title.

It provides setting page where following settings can be made:-

  • Enable this feature for any content type(s)
  • Enter ignore keywords in title comparison
  • Select maximum number of titles to show up as suggestion
  • Select whether this module should consider node permissions before displaying node title as suggestion
  • Enter percentage how exact the system should compare the title. For example, if you enter 75, then at-least 75% matching title will be considered similar
  • Display settings for suggested similar node title. It can be above or below title field
  • This module has template file to theme the suggested content as per requirement/design

There is another module uniqueness which can also be used to avoid duplicate titles. But following are points uniqueness is not offering but this module:

Alignet VPOS

Provides integration with the V-POS Service from

Editorial Blocks

Provide content editors the ability to create block instances to display a mix of manually selected (MS) and dynamically queried (DQ) node content, when combined, the total of both equals a configu

Responsive Panel Panes

Loads panels panes dynamically via Ajax when active screen matches the media queries configured.

Workbench Access Menu Link

This module provides access controls for menu hierarchies using Workbench Access and based on

IP address

This is a simple module to see the IP address of the client which added the node.

PayPal Marketing Solutions

Learn about your customers' shopping behaviors on your site with new marketing tools in your PayPal business account.

Video Handler

If you're looking for a simple solution for uploading videos in any format and making them play in the browser no matter what, then this module is for you.

Mi proyecto

Este es mi primer módulo de prueba en Drupal
