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4,979 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Google Translate Block

Widget showing with custom theme's CSS

The module provides a block that provides the translation service from Google.

ladder steps

This project is in early development stages. Contributions welcome.

Simple Node Archive Blocks

Simple Node Archive blocks is very lightweight and simple module which show node posted in chronological archive blocks.

Template Field

This module provides a field for entities that allows users to select what template the field should be displayed in.

Remove links from teasers

The "Remove links from teasers" module is a simple module that
removes the "Add new comment" and "Log in to post comments" links from

HTML Title Trash

"Trash" by Andy Mulligan

This tiny module depends on and extends the lovely HTML Title module in two ways:

  • it allows a handful of HTML tags that won't be added to HTML Title, these being a, br, div, span in particular, as well as mark, q and small
  • it works on block titles, as well as node titles


Allows for lazy import of external content.



TrailScout - the intuitive breadcrumb system for Drupal - simply showing the last few recently visited pages.

Entity Reference Dynamic Display

This module provides Dynamic Display formatter for entity reference fields, allowing to select different view modes per target bundle or delta item.

CSS field formatters

Provides several field formatters to create css styles based on field values. The selector may contain tokens and all formatters support media queries.

Advanced shortcodes

Advanced shortcode is complementary to a Shortcode module, You can use this module on Drupal 8, It wi

D9: Bootstrap Tour

D8: Bootstrap Tour Demo

This module allows users to create tour for their websites based on Bootstrap tour plugin. What makes this module different from the ones that already exist on Drupal, is:

Entity Field Fetch field

Example of entity field fetch pulling data from source node.

When you need for a field or paragraph on one node or term to be the source of content for every node on another content type, this module can get you there.

Paragraphs Layouts

Example of the Flexbox layout

An opinionated flexbox-based layout system for paragraphs.

Banner block

Allows you to create a block with a banner. In the configuration of the block, the image will be added as a multimedia element and can also be configured:

Print Route

By enabling this module, routes can be rendered in PDF format. It works under the hood leveraging the module entity_print.

Multilingual Google Web Page Language Translator

google translate droppdown

This module helps you implement Google translation for your webpage. It has configuration settings where you can choose the languages you want to show in dropdown on frontend.

Plotly.js Graphing

The Plotly.js Graphing module provides a fully customizable implementation of the open source Plotly.js graphing library.


This module embeds Gallery2 ( inside your Drupal installation to support photos, videos and other content. There is support for 2 types of image blocks and a navigation menu, inserting of images into nodes via an input filter, TinyMCE support, syncing of users between the 2 applications, ...
