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254 modules match your search

A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Menu Page CSS Dictator

Set a CSS class to apply to the page's "body" element based on the current menu item.

RWD Menu

This module provides a themable, CSS3 based slide-in menu mainly for mobile site versions, with no external libraries and only basic JS used to add / remove classes.

Multilevel Primary Menu

This module allows to embed primary menu in the theme as a tree instead of the first level only.

It keeps classes and other stuffs applied by other modules (Menu Class for instance).

Menus attribute

This simple module allows you to specify some additional attributes for menu items such as id, name, class, style, and rel.

You should use this module when

Zen Mobile Menu

This is a very small module that makes default Zen sub-theme main menu be a bit more responsive. It does this by:

Admin Toolbar Content

Content menu extras

What does it do?

  • Extends the admin toolbar "Content" menu by listing all content types.
  • Allows for grouping content types into collections

Menu Fast Edit

Screenshot of menu admin showing title and url fields.


The Menu Fast Edit module exposes the "Title" and "URL" fields for
menu links directly in the menu manage page. It also provides an

Foundation Anchor Menu Block

Anchor menu block settings

Provides ZURB Foundation based dynamic anchor menu blocks, dynamically generated based on contents of the current page by classes and data attri

Menu Markup

By default, Drupal will not accept HTML markup as part of a menu title. This module allows you to configure markup to be shown along with specific menu titles (including submenu items).

Nice Taxonomy Menu

Nice Taxonomy Menu generates well formed vertical menu blocks to represent taxonomy trees and make access quickly to their related contens.

Anytime you generate a new Nice Taxonomy Menu, the module generates a new related block for displaying it.

Leaf terms in the tree (that belong to a specific vocabulary) have a link you can customize: for example, you create a simple view (with a page visualization) on nodes which have a field that is a "term reference" to the same vocabulary, with a contextual filter related to the same field. Then you put the URL of the visualization in the "Link URL" of the Nice Taxonomy Menu. Every time you click on a leaf, the page loads your view's visualization page passing the correct tid for filtering.

Javascript code inside the menu generates a minimalistic animation for collapsing and expanding the intermediate elements.

Every Nice Taxonomy Menu contains CSS classes that make the display customization very easy.


Install normally. Remember this module is an extension for Taxonomy module.

Once Nice Taxonomy Menu is installed and enabled, you can access to the
/admin/structure/taxonomy/nice_taxonomy_menu page.

On the administration page you can declare the number of Nice Taxonomy Menu you need to use (you can increasing or decreasing this number anytime) and associate them to your links (views or otherwise).


Addedd multilanguage support for translated term names.

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This module provides a framework for creating table of contents (TOC) from an HTML fragment's header tags.

Views Slideshow Menu

This module creates the illusion of associating a Views Slideshow slide with a menu item in a designated menu. At the display of each new slide, the class "activeSlideMenu" is removed from the last menu item and applied to the next. In addition, hovering over a menu item causes the slideshow to display the associated slide.

How to Use

  1. Create a slideshow using the Views Slideshow module (version 2)
  2. Make sure that you have the same number of slides in the show as you have menu items in the menu for the Views Slideshow Menu.
  3. Make sure the slides are displayed in the same order as the order of the menu items.
  4. Install and enable the Views Slideshow Menu module
  5. Click on the gear icon next to "style: Slideshow" on your view edit screen.
  6. Set "Slideshow mode" to "menu".
  7. Determine whether the menu you want to use is appearing on the page via a menu block or some other way.
    • If it is via a block, then you simply choose which block menu from the drop-down, "Menu block." Make sure that the field "Menu selector" is blank when using this method.

Nice Menus


Nice Menus enables drop-down/right/left expandable menus. It uses only CSS for most browsers, with minimal Javascript for IE6. (Version 2 uses the Superfish jQuery plugin for all browsers, with an option to disable JS, and falls back to CSS-only for browsers that can handle it.)

Three styles/types of menus are currently possible: horizontal, menus drop down; vertical, menus fly to the left; vertical, menus fly to the right. There is a handbook page that provides a list of sites that use Nice menus.

Nice Menus creates blocks that may be associated with any existing site menu which can be placed wherever normal blocks can be placed in a theme. For themers, it is also possible to theme a menu as a Nice Menu directly by using the provided theme functions so a block is not necessary. A specific theme function for the Primary Links menu is available. The theme functions also allow a developer to pass in a custom menu tree of their making (i.e. not using a Drupal menu.) There is more information on how to use theme functions in the documentation.

Menu Notifications

This simple module allows you configure to display notifications for menu items. This is useful when you need to indicate new changes for a user on the site.


Quick Admin Menus

This module is not being actively developed, as the important parts of it's functionality have be included in Drupal 6.

Quick Admin Menu is a javascript heavy replacement for the core Menu administration page. It features drag and drop tree sorting, and same page editing, deleting and disabling of menu items. Yay!

Hopeful this is the first of a series of Quick Admin X modules, which will be javascript remixes of the current Drupal admin pages.

Menu Templates


Allows the user to create customized templates for menus (maximum of 3 levels) by editing the 2 main structures: the level's wrapper and the level's structure itself.

Responsive Menu Combined

Responsive Menu Combined Mockup when open

This module allows you to combine multiple menus into the responsive hamburger menu. Each menu will show up as a tab.

Simple Mega Menu

Simple Mega Menu module provide a easy way to build mega menu. This module does not attempt to generate a finished mega menu, which can then be difficult to customize.

Colorbox Node

Gives the user the ability to display ANY page inside a colorbox modal without the header and footer.

Path Breadcrumbs

Settings form

Path Breadcrumbs module helps you to create breadcrumbs for any page with any selection rules and load any entity from the URL!


  • Breadcrumbs navigation may be added to any kind of page: static (example: node/1) or dynamic (example: node/%nid).
  • You can load contexts from URL and use it like tokens for breadcrumb path or title.
  • You can use selection rules for every breadcrumbs navigation.
  • Module supports ALL tokens from Entity tokens module (part of Entity module).
  • Module provides magic token "pb-join" for taxonomy hierarchy (1) and complete menu trail (2).
  • You can import/export breadcrumbs (supports single operations, Features and Ctools bulk export).
  • Breadcrumbs can be cloned to save you time while building navigation.
  • Module provides rich snippets support for breadcrumbs (RDFa and Microdata).
  • Module provides first/last/odd/even classes to every breadcrumb link.
  • You can change breadcrumbs delimiter.
  • Breadcrumbs could be hidden if they contain only one element.
  • You can disable breadcrumbs and enable them later.
  • All breadcrumb titles are translatable.
  • Ctools API & Path Breadcrumbs API

Block Attributes

Screenshot of the Block Attributes configuration fields added by the module on the Block Configuration forms.

The Block Attributes module allows users to specify additional HTML attributes for blocks, through the block's configuration interface, such as class, id, style, title and more.

It appeared the ability for users to configure Blocks' HTML ID, classes or custom styles has been a recurring request (for quite some time). Therefore, this module attempts to provide a solution for these cases and support more HTML attributes for blocks.

State Machine

State Machine

Provides code-driven workflow functionality.

A workflow is a set of states and transitions that an entity goes through during its lifecycle. A transition represents a one-way link between two states and has its own label.
