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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Menu Breadcrumb

This module allows you to use the menu the current page belongs to for the breadcrumb, generating breadcrumbs from the titles of parent menus.

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Geolocation Field

Google Maps widget

Geolocation Field defines a new field type to store geographical locations as pairs of latitude and longitude (lan,lng). The Geolocation Field can be used with all fieldable entities like nodes, users, comments, taxonomy terms, etc.


Drupal 10 version

Provides a weight field that can be added to any fieldable entity. The weight field can be used to provide customized sorting.

Version 8.x-3.x is currently the recommended and supported release for Drupal 8/9/10.

Drupal 7 version

Adds a weight option to enabled node types. Nodes with lower weight will float to the top of lists, while heavier items will sink.

You might be interested in reading Comparison of Node/Entity Ordering Modules.

Version 7.x-3.x is currently the recommended and supported release for Drupal 7. It is a complete rewrite to take advantage of new features available in Drupal 7.
The 7.x-1.x version is no longer supported.

Site map

This module provides a site map that gives visitors an overview of your site. It can also display the RSS feeds for all blogs and categories.

Quick Tabs

Quick Tabs

The Quick Tabs module allows you to create blocks of tabbed content, specifically views, blocks, nodes* and other quicktabs*. You can create a block on your site containing multiple tabs with corresponding content. Clicking on the tabs makes the corresponding content display instantly, using jQuery.

Twig Field Value

Twig Field Value helps frontenders to get partial data from Drupal field render arrays.

Views Accordion

Views Accordion screenshot

Views Accordion provides a display style plugin for the Views module.
It will take the results and display them as a JQuery accordion, using the first field as the header for the accordion rows.

The module integrates the jQuery UI Accordion plugin as a views style plugin. You can configure the options provided by the jQuery UI plugin.


Insert module for Drupal 8

Insert is a utility that makes inserting images and links to files into the body field and other WYSIWYG editors or text areas much easier by adding a simple JavaScript-based button and optional controls to file and image fields. Images may be inserted using any image style preset. Insert may also be interfaced to by other modules for inserting custom content.


Viewfield provides a field that holds a reference to a View and renders it whenever the entity containing the field is displayed.


  • Author chooses one or more views and displays from a list.
  • View arguments (contextual filters) may be supplied literally or through tokens.
  • Administrators may restrict which views and displays may be assigned.
  • Administrators may supply default values that will be used for all entities in a bundle, making it unnecessary to supply field values for each piece of content.


The Entityqueue module allows users to create queues of any entity type. Each queue is implemented as an Entity Reference field, that can hold a single entity type.

For instance, you can create a queue of:

  • Nodes
  • Users
  • Taxonomy Terms
  • etc.

Page Manager

This is the Drupal 8 version of Page Manager, formerly part of the CTools module written by



Drupal advanced integration with the Leaflet JS mapping library, the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.

EVA: Entity Views Attachment


"Eva" is short for "Entity Views Attachment;" it provides a Views display plugin that allows the output of a View to be attached to the content of any Drupal entity.

Taxonomy Views Integrator

TVI Overview

The TVI (Taxonomy Views Integrator) module allows selective overriding of taxonomy terms and/or vocabulary with the view of your choice. Using TVI you can easily create custom views to output all terms in X vocabulary.

TVI will try not to interfere with views or taxonomy/term page displays if no TVI views exist for the current page request.

Field formatter settings

The Field API in Drupal core lacks the ability for other modules to easily alter field formatter settings forms and the formatter summaries.

Printer, email and PDF versions

print icons

This module allows you to generate the following printer-friendly versions of any node:

  • Printer-friendly version (webpage format) (at
  • PDF version (at
  • EPUB version (at
  • Send by email (at

where nid is the node id of content to render.

Smart Date

Module logo

This module attempts to provide a more user-friendly date field, by upgrading the functionality of core in a number of ways:

Nice Menus


Nice Menus enables drop-down/right/left expandable menus. It uses only CSS for most browsers, with minimal Javascript for IE6. (Version 2 uses the Superfish jQuery plugin for all browsers, with an option to disable JS, and falls back to CSS-only for browsers that can handle it.)

Three styles/types of menus are currently possible: horizontal, menus drop down; vertical, menus fly to the left; vertical, menus fly to the right. There is a handbook page that provides a list of sites that use Nice menus.

Nice Menus creates blocks that may be associated with any existing site menu which can be placed wherever normal blocks can be placed in a theme. For themers, it is also possible to theme a menu as a Nice Menu directly by using the provided theme functions so a block is not necessary. A specific theme function for the Primary Links menu is available. The theme functions also allow a developer to pass in a custom menu tree of their making (i.e. not using a Drupal menu.) There is more information on how to use theme functions in the documentation.


jCarousel screenshot default skin

This module allows developers and themers to make use of the jCarousel jQuery plugin.

Field Formatter Class

Field formatter class settings on the manage-display tab, showing a custom class being added to a term reference field.


This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.
Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.

Allows site administrators to add classes to the outer HTML wrapper for any field display, so that CSS and Javascript can target them.

It's particulary useful for adding classes required by various jQuery plugins and CSS grid systems.

Back To Top

Back To Top - Example

Back To Top adds a button that hovers in the bottom of your screen and allow users to smoothly scroll up the page using jQuery.

Block Visibility Groups

Block Group Listing

Block Visibility Groups allows the site administrator to easily manage complex visibility settings that apply to any block placed in a visibility group.
