Drush is just one of many tools that may want to know about dependencies. Drush itself may want to download a complete list of dependencies; Other tools may want to know on a case-by-case basis (what are the dependencies for views dev?)


moshe weitzman’s picture

One technique Owen really likes is to offer up an sqlite DB with all the dependencies. This could be fetched from a well known url on drupal.org and used by drush.

Aron Novak’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

I would love to help in this issue.
How should I proceed? The first approach that came into my mind is to create a cron hook where we populate an sqlite file from the MySQL database, with date information in the filename, specify a retention period, and delete too old sqlite files.
Or as I see everything else that's heavyweight, is drush-driven, a single Drush command to generate the sqlite file would be sufficient.

trobey’s picture

Project Dependency already has a drush interface. The problem is that it needs to be run on drupal.org so it is only useful for the infrastructure team and for debugging Project Dependency issues. In general I do not know how running drush on a server somewhere is going to access this information which exists on drupal.org.

It looks like this comment started as a way to map dependencies between Drupal modules. I guess I should note that modules do not have dependencies on other modules; releases of modules have dependencies on other releases. This may seem like a picky distinction but dependencies can change from one release to another so this is not trivial.

On a more positive note, the dependency information already is available #760890: Display module dependencies on project pages on drupal.org but it is only visible to myself and perhaps a few others. On each release page there are two blocks, one showing the components (modules) in a release, and the second showing the dependencies. The reason this is not visible to all users is the request was for dependencies for a project (which I noted above does not exist) and the requestor lost interest. If others want this information then it would be trivial for the drupal.org webmasters to make it available generally if they feel it is appropriate.