profile_taxonomy 6.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes
  • Improved API:
    • Add user term: profile_taxonomy_add_user_term($uid, $tid, $fid)
    • Save user term: profile_taxonomy_save_user_term($uid, $tid, $fid)
    • Check a user term assignment: profile_taxonomy_has_user_term($uid, $tid, $fid = 0)
    • Delete user term: profile_taxonomy_remove_user_term($uid, $tid, $fid)
  • Support for Profile Checkboxes 2.0

profile_taxonomy 6.x-1.3-alpha2

Bug fixes

- Consistent return type for profile_taxononmy_get_user_terms()
- Fixes for profile_checkboxes 2.0, custom delimiter, serialized storage
- Fixes for function parameter validation

profile_taxonomy 6.x-1.3-alpha1

New features

Initial release for improved API for saving, removing, adding user terms including multiple values (profile_checkboxes).

profile_taxonomy 6.x-1.0

New features
Bug fixes

You can now select parts of a vocabulary by its parent term, show the hierarchy, translate the user value and display a term link.

Fixed issues:

profile_taxonomy 6.x-1.0-rc3

Bug fixes

Critical bugs concerning installation, i. e. database schema with wrong primary key, and change of db field "field" to "fid";

profile_taxonomy 6.x-1.0-rc2

New features
Bug fixes

The focus of this release was stabilization and various bug fixes. Referenced taxonomy terms are now exported and synchronized with the profile field options. Further profile taxonomy integrate nicely with profile_checkboxes, Views, ApacheSolr etc.:

profile_taxonomy 6.x-1.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

First release supporting single selection for profile widget "list selection". Several bug fixes from initial development snapshot

profile_taxonomy 6.x-1.x-dev

This module enables you to assign taxonomy terms to user profile fields.

It provides
- Enhanced profile administration with the possiblity to reference to vocabularies
- New and authenticated users can choose a term in their profiles

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