prepro 7.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes
  • Code cleanup
  • Added setting to show/hide message if files get recompiled on every page load

prepro 7.x-1.0

New features
Bug fixes

Release of the 1.x rewrite.

Fixes bugs with things not caching. Makes cache-methods pluggable. Faster. Better. Stronger. We have the technology.

Looking for maintainers, btw.

prepro 7.x-0.9

New features
Bug fixes

Fixed issue #1787340
Added a "clear prepro cache" button to the prepro admin and performance pages

prepro 7.x-0.8

Bug fixes

Really minor release because 0.7 broke caching.

prepro 7.x-0.7

Bug fixes

Like 0.6, but without the debug statements left in.

prepro 7.x-0.6

New features
Bug fixes

Merged the two settings pages (JS+CSS) back into one settings page, with a similar change in how settings are handled internally.

Added an option to disable the "files are being recompiled on every page load" warning.
Added a "only recompile when files are changed" flag.

prepro 7.x-0.5

New features

Sorry for the long time since the last update!


  1. default cache mode is uncached
  2. added warning about files not being cached to negate any issues with production servers
  3. added drush integration, see issue #1614346
  4. added support for JS preprocessing, see #1602174 for a CoffeeScript module

Big thanks to jamsilver for 3 and 4!

prepro 7.x-0.4

New features
Bug fixes

Modified the form retrieval method for implementing modules such that the forms are alterable and have a _submit, _validate callback.

Added a precompile and postcompile alter hook:

prepro 7.x-0.3

New features
Bug fixes

Per-type settings for cache location (there are now no global settings)

Fixed issues #1405916 and #1405444

prepro 7.x-0.2

Bug fixes

Switched to using the cache table for the files map instead of the prepro variable.

prepro 7.x-0.1

New features

Feature complete, working perfectly with Sassy.

Handles file picking, compilation based on settings, caching, offering a unified admin screen.

prepro 7.x-0.x-dev

New features

Initial release - handles all stylesheets and offers them to registered precompilers.

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