porterstemmer 8.x-1.1

Bug fixes

This release is Drupal 9 compatible. There have been minor changes to some automated tests, and some deprecated code has been rewritten, but there are no changes to the functionality.

porterstemmer 7.x-1.1

New features

The only change since version 7.x-1.0 is that the module is slightly more efficient, because the code for stemming is in a separate include file. If your server has a PHP module installed that implements the algorithm internally, or if the page load doesn't require any stemming to happen, then the module code for stemming is not loaded, reducing memory needs and server response time.

porterstemmer 8.x-1.0

First release for Drupal 8. The code is an object-oriented port of the Drupal 7 module. It is passing all the automated tests, which are comprehensive like the Drupal 7 tests.

porterstemmer 7.x-1.x-dev

Development snapshot.

Currently the same as the 7.x-1.0 release. Nothing has been changed. Yet.

porterstemmer 7.x-1.0

New features

Initial release for Drupal 7.x. Functionally equivalent to version 6.x-2.6.

porterstemmer 6.x-2.5

Bug fixes

Fixed a PHP error that was causing error messages in logs for some users. See issue report:
#651850: Parameter 1 to porterstemmer_search_preprocess() expected to be a reference

Also added new functional tests.

porterstemmer 6.x-2.4

New features

Uses the PECL stemming library from http://pecl.php.net/package/stem if available, for efficiency. This library functions exactly the same as the PHP implementation in the Porter Stemmer module, and is several times faster due to being compiled and integrated with PHP itself (if it is installed on your web server).

porterstemmer 6.x-2.3

Bug fixes

Fix critical issue causing Porter Stemmer to hang in infinite loop with PHP 4.x -- see issue:
#599058: cron hang on preg_replace param count @ line 327

porterstemmer 6.x-2.2

New features

Add implementation of exerpt hook for Search by Page module, for better highlightin of stemmed keyword matches in search output. See issues:
#493270: search_excerpt() doesn't work well with stemming

porterstemmer 6.x-2.1

New features

Minimum word size for stemming is now taken from the Search module setting, rather than being a hard-wired 3 letters. See issue:
#558842: Porter Stemmer should respect Drupal minimum word size setting

porterstemmer 6.x-2.0

The main purpose of this release is an upgrade to Version 2 of the Porter Stemmer algorithm - see issue http://drupal.org/node/511930

This release also fixes the following issues:
* Make minimum word size for stemming be 3 characters - see issue http://drupal.org/node/219335
* Make sure all function names have module prefix - see issue http://drupal.org/node/437094

porterstemmer 6.x-1.0

A 6.x compatible direct port of the 5.x code (which was a direct port of the 4.7 code).

porterstemmer 6.x-1.x-dev

Development release of the Porterstemmer module compatible with Drupal6.x

Thanks to ceejayoz for the port to Drupal6.

If this works well then I'll create a 6.x-1.0 release in a few weeks.

porterstemmer 5.x-1.0

An official release that is 5.x compatible. The same as the 4.7 version of the module.

porterstemmer 5.x-1.x-dev

A 5.x compatible release of the Porter-Stemmer module. Currently includes basically no changes from the 4.7 version of the module.

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