Only affects OG content type - have validated the issue by deactivating and reactivating OG Menu.

Popups Add and reference works fine when OG Menu not installed (

After instaling OG Menu, error message "Unable to open:"
This content type is an OG, but other content types ok, so it is assumed a conflict with OG types.

Issue persistent on previous and latest module versions.


mzwyssig’s picture

Exactly the same issue here. OG is enabled on a 'news' content type containing a node reference field 'document'. When I click on it, it shows an empty popup with an OK button and the title :
Unable to open:

With other content types this works fine. Tried with current version and with the 2.0 version as well.

EDIT: Actually, it's not OG, it's Taxonomy... I open a new thread.