I have a date field in my node, which I'm using a popup to create.
The date fields popup doesn't work.

Would http://drupal.org/project/ajax_load
fix this issue?




Isostar’s picture


mstrelan’s picture

ShaneOnABike’s picture

+1 is there any solution this?

robotjox’s picture

the problem is in popups.js of the popups module:

$('script[src]').each(function(i, v) {
      Popups.originalJS[$(this).attr('src').replace(/^(\/.+)\?\w$/, '$1')] = 1;
    if (Drupal.settings.popups && Drupal.settings.popups.originalJS) {
      $.extend(Popups.originalJS, Drupal.settings.popups.originalJS);

adding a simple conditional for my needed javascript in this section made my javascript come to life :)

rconstantine’s picture

how exactly? are you loading the date js files here?