pmgrowl 6.x-2.x-dev

New features

New development branch for new features and compatibility with Privatemsg 6.x-2.x.

pmgrowl 6.x-1.1-beta1

Bug fixes

First beta release, only compatible with Privatemsg 6.x-1.x.

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-1-ALPHA2:

  • #641976 by Berdir | nbz: Many bugfixes.
  • #661336 by ositoblanco | Berdir: Make it possible to translate the close all text.
  • #672534 by Berdir: Added requirements check for jgrowl.

pmgrowl 6.x-1.1-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

This release includes some bug fixes and improved functionality over the last alpha.

pmgrowl 6.x-1.1-alpha1

New features

This release adds a table to track messages being closed. It also adds a new feature for users to be able to select an operating mode of simply showing that new messages have arrived, or using the original version of showing individual messages as they come in.

Additionally, it moves some of the logic out of the jQuery layer and into the json callback function which should be a slight performance enhancement.

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