
thanks a lot for this great module! ...it's awesome! :)

I really like that the notification appears on all pages across the site simultaneously.
It would be cool if this notification could also disappear simultaneously on all pages across the site when they were closed or the user clicked on the answer link.
Otherwise the user have to close it on every page. Maybe there is a way to trigger the closure the same way like the opening...



Dave.Ingram’s picture

Thanks. Are you referring to having multiple tabs open at the same time and the message appears on each one? There may be a little overhead on that, but it's a good idea. I'll keep this open and look into that.

design.er’s picture

Yes, I have multiple tabs open for testing purposes. But also on Facebook so I think many people are surfing this way.
It would be really great if we'll get this up & running. Thanks a lot for your time! :)

gooddesignusa’s picture

sounds like a nice idea.

tobias’s picture

+1 if possible.

soulfroys’s picture

+1, sounds great.